Signal-ios: Share Intent to recent contacts from share sub-screen

Created on 12 Jan 2021  路  4Comments  路  Source: signalapp/Signal-iOS

I don't know what the iOS equivalent is to intents but when I try to share a picture or link I do not get my recents on the share sub-screen directly rather I have to click signal app then click the contact I wish to share to. This is certainly a feature request but I guess a 'decent' one, if possible I'd like to help (programmatic) in the development of this feature.

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I believe you mean what apple calls Suggestions in Share Extension see: Supporting Suggestions in Your App鈥檚 Share Extension

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I would like this as well, but it may have to do something with security, since normally you have unlock the app to see your contacts and the like. I think it would be great, but maybe it could be optional.

Also, the in-app sharing experience would be a lot better if the contacts were sorted by recent messages instead of alphabetical.

I believe you mean what apple calls Suggestions in Share Extension see: Supporting Suggestions in Your App鈥檚 Share Extension

+1 for integrating Suggestions in the Share Extension!

This is integrated in the latest update to signal app on iOS. When trying to share anything recent signal contacts appear in the suggestions. I would thank the development team for taking this suggestion up and working this hard for signal iOS app.

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