Signal-ios: Live Photos support

Created on 20 Dec 2015  路  5Comments  路  Source: signalapp/Signal-iOS

Currently unable to view live photos/gifs.

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Hello, I just wanted to ask if this is still on the planned-features list? It's something that me and some friends of mine would really love to see being implemented in Signal :) In WhatsApp, you can just long-tap on a Live Photo to choose sending it as a GIF.

All 5 comments

Duplicate of #525.
And best of all there's already a commit for that.

GIFs will make it into the next build. I'll leave this issue open for Live Photos

Viewing is not that big problem.

The main problem is that signal doesn't send full live photo and only associated jpg, so even after saving received image we cannot use iOS builtin browser to see live photo.

Any update on this? Is it just user error on my part? I'm trying to send a Live Photo as a gif but just sends it as a still image when I want to send it as an animated gif.

Hello, I just wanted to ask if this is still on the planned-features list? It's something that me and some friends of mine would really love to see being implemented in Signal :) In WhatsApp, you can just long-tap on a Live Photo to choose sending it as a GIF.

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