I would like all my logs to have a prefix representing where the log came from. This way creates multiple transport for the same file, which is obviously an
var config = require('config')
var winston = require('winston')
var loggers = {}
function getLogger(moduleName) {
if (!loggers[moduleName]) {
loggers[moduleName] = createNewLogger(moduleName)
return loggers[moduleName]
function createNewLogger(moduleName) {
var logger = new winston.Logger()
colorize: true,
timestamp: true,
label: moduleName,
level: config.get('log.level')
filename: config.get('log.filename'),
level: config.get('log.level')
return logger
module.exports = getLogger
I basically want all my logs into a single file/console, but with a different prefix. Any ideas?
I believe you want this: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston#working-with-multiple-loggers-in-winston
Thanks for this! I saw it before, but I was under the impression that the transports were being recreated for each logger.
For instance the following code:
function getLogger(moduleName) {
console.log('Initializing logger for: ' + moduleName)
winston.loggers.add(moduleName, {
Console: {
colorize: true,
timestamp: true,
label: moduleName,
level: config.get('log.level')
DailyRotateFile: {
filename: config.get('log.filename'),
level: config.get('log.level')
return winston.loggers.get(moduleName)
Will give Error: Transport already attached: console
What am I doing incorrectly?
Hey @indexzero,
I'm on winston 3.0.0
I tried this too, unsure if this is the right way; basically I want an easier way to prefix each log message or attach a default field for each log based on the module / function it is being logged from (for some structure). This is the code (going by the example in the docs):
const loggers = {};
module.exports.getModuleLogger = (moduleName, methodName) => {
const categoryName = [moduleName, methodName].join(':');
if (!loggers[categoryName]) {
loggers[categoryName] = winston.loggers.add(categoryName, {
console: {
label: categoryName,
file: {
filename: './log/test.log',
label: categoryName,
return winston.loggers.get(categoryName);
But I get the following warning:
[winston] Attempt to write logs with no transports {"message":"yolo","
you can achieve this by adding an object witch contains the field "label" in the parameters of you log function, example:
for the following format:
const imLogFormat = printf(info => {
return ${info.timestamp} [${info.label}] ${info.level}: ${info.message}
you can do the following:
logger.error('I have the following error' + err, {label: "Class1"})
logger.error('I have the following error' + err, {label: "Class2"})