Sourcetree on MacOS supports project icons (a file named icon.png in the root folder).
Hoping github's app and website will do the same in the future. In any case it would be nice if three.js had an official icon saved in the root as icon.png. If MrDoob has a preference or maybe hold a contest or even just as a placeholder?
This seems like quite a specific use case for adding an extra file, unless lots of people are using Sourcetree or it has uses beyond just that app.
In any case, there is an icon. @mrdoob created it when we set up the forum last year:
I like the fact that it's a triangle, but it has 16 sub-triangles. We can make it 3 also, that would align better with the name.
We can make it 3 also
What do you mean?
@Usnul Just FYI:
@looeee @yomotsu
I mean this:
Actually I like that a lot. However, the very first result on Google for "triangle logo" is this:
sure, just change the colours a bit, add some rotation, maybe some skew :)
Maybe a shadow, as if it's an Egyptian pyramid seen from dead-above. A weird 3-sided pyramid :P
I don't think we should allow google to have exclusive rights on triangles, I want to keep using triangular polygons in my meshes!
It's going to look a lot like ours if you tilt it a bit 馃槵
This one might be a little less copyright infringing
We do what we must, because we can.
You could also make a three out of three, three sided shapes 馃槅
How about creating a poll? seems like we have a lot of choice.
I don't know if there should be a color, i use this in white for a platform i'm setting up, in plain white for dark background.
@looeee lowpoly chrome? 馃槃
How about simply turning javascript logo to 3d ?
something like this
Ignore the shadows and box corners I know they are not perfect. I just wanted to show what I have in my mind.. if you guys like it I will fix those things create the logo properly
It already has a logo 馃槤
Most helpful comment
This one might be a little less copyright infringing