I'm trying to demystify how matrices are used in three.js and after looking at source code and other issues explanations, I'm nevertheless confused :S
From my understanding, three.js's WebGLRenderer would pass several matrices to WebGL, of which the minimal is
projection matrix takes care of the the camera's aspect ratio, fov, front and back. model view matrix takes care of where an object are is relatively in space. therefore I'm guessing to render any object projected to a 2d canvas, one could do projectionMatrix * modelviewMatrix
the question is perhaps, from where do three.js get the matrices from?
if we inspect objects in three.js scene, there are a bunch of matrices in them like matrix
, matrixWorld
, matrixRotationWorld
so I tried playing with something like object.matrix.getPosition()
and object.matrixWorld.getPosition()
but it seems all I get is some values which doesn't make sense. if I do object.matrix.extractPosition()
instead, I'll get an error TypeError: Cannot read property 'n14' of undefined
so apparently i'm using them incorrectly, or that i've a bad understanding of how the matrices work in three.js. would anyone care to enlighten this noob again? :cI
JS matrices
// local transform (object space)
// composed from position / rotation / scale
// object.updateMatrix() must be called for this to be correct
// global transform (world space)
// scene graph must be updated for this to be correct
// scene.updateMatrixWorld()
// just rotation part of global transform,
// computed on demand in Ray / Projector
// otherwise not used
Positions in JS
localPosition = object.position;
worldPosition = object.matrixWorld.getPosition();
JS matrices => GLSL uniforms
object.matrixWorld => objectMatrix // till r49
object.matrixWorld => modelMatrix // since r50
camera.projectionMatrix => projectionMatrix
camera.matrixWorldInverse => viewMatrix
camera.matrixWorldInverse * object.matrixWorld => modelViewMatrix
JS buffer => GLSL attribute
geometry.vertices[ i ].position => position
GLSL full transform
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * objectMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); // till r49
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); // since r50
thanks for the question,
thanks for the answer,
exactly what i needed!
crystal clear again, thanks @alteredq ! :)
also, i realized that its probably not a good idea to use object.matrixWorld.getPosition()
outside the render loop. i dug into Matrix4
and the code for getPosition()
return THREE.Matrix4.__v1.set( this.n14, this.n24, this.n34 );
which is pointing to a common vector with Matrix. this means that every time a render() call is made, the values are probably going to be overwritten. a good way to keep a copy of the object world position would be to do
var mw = object.matrixWorld;
var position = new THREE.Vector3(mw.n14, mw.n24, mw.n34 );
will link this page to the FAQ too! :)
(edit: or simply do a object.matrixWorld.getPosition().clone()
this means that every time a render() call is made, the values are probably going to be overwritten. a good way to keep a copy of the object world position would be to do
Indeed ;)
Most helpful comment
JS matrices
Positions in JS
JS matrices => GLSL uniforms
JS buffer => GLSL attribute
GLSL full transform