Conditionals are handy, but it looks like both branches are always evaluated.
My specific use case is that I want to have a variable that may or may not point to a file:
variable "file_path" {
default = ""
data "template_file" "template" {
vars {
file_contents = "${length(var.file_path) > 0 ? file("${var.file_path}") : ""}"
However I always get the "file: open : no such file or directory in:" error, even if I change conditional to:
"${false ? file("${var.file_path}") : ""}"
This is a known issue with Terraform. The main workaround so far seems to be to find something to put in each branch that will run without error.
For example in what you describe you may be able to do something like this:
"${truthtest ? file("${truthtest ? var.file_path : "/dev/null"}") : ""}
Or since file("/dev/null") should equal "" just:
file("${truthtest ? var.file_path : "/dev/null"}")
Indeed, this is something we know about and are planning to solve as part of a suite of changes to the configuration language that will come in a future release.
Sorry for the weirdness here; we had the choice of postponing adding the conditional altogether or releasing it in a partially-functional state, and we decided to go with the latter so that certain use-cases could be met in the mean time while we work on the architecture of the interpolation language interpreter so that it can support conditionals fully-generally.
Although we already have that HIL issue open, I'm going to leave this issue here as a marker for the issue from Terraform's perspective, since I expect most people looking for this issue won't know to look for it in the HIL repository.
@rorybrowne Thank you for the workaround, it works.
@apparentlymart Looking forward to a solution.
EDIT: got a workaround from the as mentioned in issue #15912
I believe I am encountering this but with (nested) modules.
I have even set both modules (Mod-A and Mod-B) to use conditionals in the output, to output "" when it is disabled and the actual instance_id otherwise.
This is not only for output block either, my main goal was to use the instance_id and associate it into an EIP.
Any suggestions of a workaround (or would a poc set of files be needed in this case)?
Edit: thought I had a workaround where enabling both then removing one, as the old state was yanked, but another tf plan/apply proved me wrong (I have to workaround)
If any one can help then we hit this error too -
name_prefix = "${length(var.customer_name) < 5 ? "${var.customer_name}-" : "${substr(var.customer_name, 0, 5)}-"}"
substr: 'offset + length' cannot be larger than the length of the string
@dan-rose You should be able to work around that with:
name_prefix = "${substr(var.customer_name, 0, min(length(var.customer_name), 5))}-"
It works! I think I love you x
Would love to see this fix pushed out. The company I work for has some of our infra inside of a third-party hosted account for some security compliance purposes. Long story short, because of that, combined with this TF issue I currently have to create a separate set of TF modules for everything that has to end up going into that account.
Is there an ETA for a fix? I understand that this is not a simple fix for you, I'm just trying to guess how long I have to do things this way before a fix for this becomes available.
Thank you.
Is there any progress in this? The workarounds suggested work in some cases but they look ugly and are not intuitive when reading.
This problem will be addressed in the next major release of Terraform.
Hi all! Sorry for the long silence here.
I've just verified that this is now working correctly in v0.12.0-alpha1, using a simple test case in terraform console
for simplicity:
$ terraform console
> false ? file("nonexist") : "it was false"
it was false
> true ? file("nonexist") : "it was false"
Error: Error in function call
on <console-input> line 1:
(source code not available)
Call to function "file" failed: no file exists at nonexist.
As expected, it now returns errors only from the side of the conditional expression that is evaluated.
This fix is in master
and will be included in the v0.12.0 final release, once the prerelease cycle is completed. Because of that, I'm going to close this out. Thanks for reporting this, and thanks for your patience while we laid the groundwork to fix it.
It seems like this issue still shows up if any of the branches reference a terraform resource. I apologize if this the wrong thread to comment on or if the issue of conditional resource references is being tracked elsewhere, I wasn't able to find an open issue tracking that.
The following code fails on Terraform v0.12.23
$ terraform console
> true ? aws_security_group.test : null
Error: Reference to undeclared resource
on <console-input> line 1:
(source code not available)
A managed resource "aws_security_group" "test" has not been declared in the
root module.
I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for _30 days_ โณ. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.
If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.
Most helpful comment
This problem will be addressed in the next major release of Terraform.