Tedious: HELP: Unable to connect to SQL Server running locally

Created on 16 Mar 2021  ·  14Comments  ·  Source: tediousjs/tedious

I am at a loss trying to get connected to a local SQL 2019 Server. Below are my settings and what I have tried / turned on. I can connect to the DB through SMSS via locahost.

What am I doing wrong?

  • TCP/IP is enabled
  • SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode is on
  • TCP Port 1433 and TCP Dynamic Port is Blank
  • Named Pipes is enabled
  • SQL Server is running
  • SQL Browser is running
  • SQL Server Agent is running

ConnectionError: Failed to connect to localhost:1433 - Could not connect (sequence)

var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
    var Request = require('tedious').Request;
    var config = {
        server: 'localhost',
        authentication: {
          type: 'default',
          options: {
            userName: 'UN',
            password: 'PW'
        options: {
            database: 'School',
            port: 1433

      const connection = new Connection(config);

      connection.on('connect', (err) => {
        if (err) {
          console.log('Connection Failed', err);
          throw err;


      function executeStatement() {
        const request = new Request('select * from Course', (err, rowCount) => {
          if (err) {
            throw err;


        // Emits a 'DoneInProc' event when completed.
        request.on('row', (columns) => {
          columns.forEach((column) => {
            if (column.value === null) {
            } else {

        request.on('done', (rowCount) => {
          console.log('Done is called!');

        request.on('doneInProc', (rowCount, more) => {
          console.log(rowCount + ' rows returned');

        // In SQL Server 2000 you may need: connection.execSqlBatch(request);

All 14 comments

TCP Port 1433 and TCP Dynamic Port is Blank

Can you try explicitly setting the TCP port to be 1433?


I have done that...

Do you have another service running in the background? Perhaps localhost is conflicting with another service. Try explicitly connecting to the server IP address


Different error when I specify an IP.

ConnectionError: Failed to connect to in 15000ms

@sdtacoma Based on what you describe, this should just work. 🤔

Have you tried not specifying the port and specifying the instancename instead to connect via a SQL server browser lookup? 🤔


When I specify the instance name I get the following error.

connection.on('connect', (err) => {
        if (err) {
          console.log('Connection Failed', err);
          throw err;     // line 33



If I just supply the instanceName:

What version of tedious are you running?

@IanChokS "tedious": "^11.0.6"

Does it have anything to do with the SQL Server version I am running? It is 2019.

I was able to connect and run queries on the SQL Server 2019-latest in a docker image. Can you try to run the server in a docker image?

Steps I took in powershell:

  • Pull the image: docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
  • Start the SQL Server image: docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=password_01" -p 1533:1433 -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
  • Set the config in examples/minimal.js:
var config = {
  "server": "",
  "authentication": {
    "type": "default",
    "options": {
      "userName": "sa",
      "password": "password_01"
  "options": {
    "port": 1533,
    "database": "master",
    "trustServerCertificate": true
  • Ran the query:
const connection = new Connection(config);

connection.on('connect', (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log('Connection Failed');
    throw err;



function executeStatement() {
  const request = new Request("select 42, 'hello world'", (err, rowCount) => {
    if (err) {
      throw err;


  // Emits a 'DoneInProc' event when completed.
  request.on('row', (columns) => {
    columns.forEach((column) => {
      if (column.value === null) {
      } else {

  request.on('done', (rowCount) => {
    console.log('Done is called!');

  request.on('doneInProc', (rowCount, more) => {
    console.log(rowCount + ' rows returned');

  // In SQL Server 2000 you may need: connection.execSqlBatch(request);
  • Output:
hello world
1 rows returned

Hi @IanChokS

That worked and I got the same output as you did. What does that tell us exactly?

hello world
1 rows returned


Thank you for telling me how to get the Docker image up and running too. That was very helpful.

Np! Glad to hear it worked. I think the original problem was probably something to do with your SQL Server set up 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps try reinstalling again. Are you planning on using the docker instance instead? If so I can close this issue.

I can even connect to the docker instance through SSMS. That's great!

Yes, close the issue I will use the docker image. Thank you for all of your help and guidance.

Btw I would recommend looking into setting up volume mounts and database backups with docker, so that if the docker instance stops or needs to be restarted, you won't lose your data

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