Recently Always Encrypted feature was released in SQL Server 2016. This ensures SQL Server will only handle the encrypted data and not plaintext values. This seems like a great security feature. Thoughts?
Many customers are using Always Encrypted with web apps. Node.js support has been asked as well. It would be great if tedious can support Always Encrypted.
any updates for this?
Hi we're currently starting to work on this feature. Since this is a pretty big project, it may take a while to be finished.
Is there date for this release?
@ekelvin there's been a community PR for Always Encrypted that you can check out for now. It should be fully working. Currently, we're still in the process of merging that PR. Sorry for it taking a while
Most helpful comment
Many customers are using Always Encrypted with web apps. Node.js support has been asked as well. It would be great if tedious can support Always Encrypted.