React: Default props in ES6 class syntax

Created on 22 Apr 2015  Â·  40Comments  Â·  Source: facebook/react

The ES6 support announcement says:

the idiomatic way to specify class state is to just use a simple instance property. Likewise getDefaultProps and propTypes are really just properties on the constructor.

This makes a lot of sense to me, but I noticed some small inconsistencies that may be worth rethinking.

When using the original .createClass syntax, the value returned by getDefaultProps seems to be used at other points in the component lifecycle -- not just in the constructor. For example, if I inspect what gets sent to componentWillReceiveProps(props), I can see that the default props are applied.

This _doesn't_ seem to be the case when using the ES6 class syntax, which means I have to duplicate code. Here's an example of what I mean:

class Control extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    props.value = props.value || '';

  // ...

  componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
    props.value = props.value || '';
    // Do something with props...


As you can see, I'm duplicating the expression props.value = props.value || ''. If I had more than one default, I'd obviously have a lot more duplication.

When using the .createClass method, I could return {value: ''} from the getDefaultProps method, and this would work, and I'd only have to do it once.

Does it make sense to restore this method to avoid unnecessary duplication? Is there another, more React-like approach that I'm not aware of?

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That's correct. Instead, you write this:

class Control extends React.Component {

  // ...

  componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
    // Do something with props...

Control.defaultProps = {value: ''};

Does that work for you?

All 40 comments

The default props should be already merged in when componentWillReceiveProps is called.

The default props should be already merged in when componentWillReceiveProps is called.

As far as I can tell, getDefaultProps is never called when using the ES6 class syntax.

That's correct. Instead, you write this:

class Control extends React.Component {

  // ...

  componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
    // Do something with props...

Control.defaultProps = {value: ''};

Does that work for you?

Ahh, sorry, I see that in the documentation now. Thanks!

Because I landed here from a Google search, and I prefer the class to encapsulate my code, the default props can be set using computed properties like so:

import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react'
class DefaultPropsExample extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {
    instructions: 'Usage instructions not provided.',

@jhabdas What you have given is not a ES2015 syntax, I guess; Babel throws unexpected token if I use the static props, however, for those guys who work like me in es2015, here's a working stuff.

import React from 'react';
export default class extends React.Component {

  static get defaultProps() {
    return {
      // stuff you want :)



After installing @zpao 's link I can use static properties ...

@Gopikrishna19 you would need to enable another babel plugin that implements the class properties proprosal:

@zpao Ooh! Another new stuff today :) will try that, thanks a lot!

@Gopikrishna19 I actually like the code snippet you posted b/c I can do some pre-processing before initializing the default props. Thanks for mentioning it.

This seems to be working and it's more elegant in my opinion:


 static defaultProps = {

  constructor(props, defaultProps) {
    super(props, defaultProps);


@fxhereng The second argument is reserved for context so I’d avoid overriding it with some custom meaning because this might break in future releases.

Ok @gaearon What's the best way to set default props for you?


What's the recommended way to to this?

If you use the experimental transform, then you can just use static defaultProps = {...};. No need for changes to the constructor. Otherwise, you need to assign outside:

class X extends React.Component {
X.defaultProps = {...};


class X extends React.Component {
  props = {

@efernandesng This is not a supported pattern. It won’t behave like defaultProps and it mutates this.props which you should not do.

Seems like I can't get defaultProps to be instantiated with the parent class so that I may pass those props to another child class within.

Is there a standard es6 way of doing that? All of the methods on here don't work for me.

Seems like I can't get defaultProps to be instantiated with the parent class so that I may pass those props to another child class within.

I don’t understand what you mean. Can you show an example?

Of course, sorry about that.

Here is a component:

import React, 
}                     from 'react';
import { TimerView }  from './TimerView'

class Timer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

  componentWillReceiveProps(props) {
    console.log('Will receive props')

  render() {
    console.log("Timer loaded")

    return (
      <TimerView {...props} />

Timer.propTypes = {
  status: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

Timer.defaultProps = {
  status: "This is the Timer",

export default Timer;

When I run the webpack-dev-server, I get this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: props is not defined

There must be something I do wrong...

props is an unbound variable in your render() method. It should be <TimerView {...this.props} />.

Oh my.
I totally missed this one. I guess since I am using stateless components as much as classes, I just got confused on this one.

Thank you sir.

no problem @jeanmichelcote! it happens :)

Accessing other props to define defaultProps is considered an anti-pattern?

class Comp extends from React.Component {
  static propTypes: {
    num: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    action: React.PropTypes.func,

  static defaultProps: {
    action: () => console.log(this.props.num), // "this" is invalid in static context

  render() {
    return (
      <button onClick={this.props.action}>
        {`Log #${this.props.num}`}

@romulof it looks like you're trying to reference an instance variable from a static method. You can't do that because there's no way to tell which this you're talking about. By definition, static things always live outside of the context of an instance.

@romulof That's common with all object oriented languages. The fat arrow syntax binds to the context it's defined in. Maybe you could try using

static defaultProps: {
    action: function() {
        console.log(this.props.num), // "this" depends on the context where it is run

@sbussard: Exactly.

My question is about defaultProps being implemented as a static object.
Maybe allowing it to be a function, to be called by constructor.

It is intentionally outside the class so that an optimizing compiler could inline it at the call site.

So what is the final answer?

@gaearon you've mentioned that

It is intentionally outside the class so that an optimizing compiler could inline it at the call site.

but does that mean it cannot be optimized when using "class instance fields" and/or "class static fields"? I guess I am trying to understand which approach is preferred and why.

So what is the final answer?

If you want to stick to ES6, assign it at the bottom:

class MyComponent extends Component { /* ... */ }
MyComponent.defaultProps = { /* ... */ };

If you're using Create React App, or if you're comfortable with experimental syntax and have enabled the class properties transform, you can do this:

class MyComponent extends Component {
  static defaultProps = { /* ... */ };
  /* ... */

These approaches are completely equivalent. Note that if you're also using decorators, you might have weird bugs combining these transforms. So I don't recommend using decorators together with class properties.

I hope this helps!

but does that mean it cannot be optimized when using "class instance fields" and/or "class static fields"? I guess I am trying to understand which approach is preferred and why.

There is no difference between assigning at the end and using class properties. Class properties desugar to assignment. Please use REPL on Babel website to check what code compiles to.

I am curious about the same issue @romulof talks about. Sure, I can use static defaultProps to define default properties but what if I want to use the context?

Why is this useful?

I have a generic modal component which has title and onSubmit props. Sometimes I want to use the Modal with the same props but from completely different parts of my App. For title this works just fine.

class CreateUserModal extends Modal {
  static defaultProps = { title: 'Create a new user' }

However the onSubmit handler, which happens to be a decent chunk of code, requires context because it uses a prop populated from connecting redux. Currently there is no way for me to abstract this code because context can't be used to set the props of the parent class.

What I am trying to do isn't really an anti pattern (or at least I think it isn't) so I wonder if there is another way to do this?

I hoped I would be able to do something like

class CreateUserModal extends Modal {
  constructor (props) {
      title: 'Create a new user',
      onSubmit: () => {
        // do a load of stuff using props

but it doesn't work.

@roberttod did you find a solution for your problem? Thanks

I want to ask a follow up question,
if I'm using create react app (react-scripts v1.0.12), is it okay to define initial states as

class Foo extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {};

  static propTypes = {};

  state = {...};

what is the difference compare to using constructors to define initial states as:

class Foo extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {};

  static propTypes = {};

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {...};

specifically is there any performance implications in the first approach?

It's exactly the same thing, there's no difference.

@jhabdas Well, so when the defaultProps is defined as:

static defaultProps = {

How to access it from the class methods since:


returns undefined

@majioa I don't know about that class-level API, but one idea is to cache the default props as a separate object and refer to that. What do you think?


class Foo extends React.Component {
  static defaultProps = { param: 1 };
  render() {
    return Foo.defaultProps.param;

I meet the same problem, you sholud install babel-plugin-transform-class-properties,

npm install -D babel-plugin-transform-class-properties

then add "transform-class-properties" to .babelrc

  "presets": ["env", "react"],
  "plugins": ["react-hot-loader/babel", "transform-class-properties"]

static get defaultProps() {
return {
car: "Mercedes"

@Arm7107 This is inefficient because it creates a new object every time an element is created. I strongly advise not to use this. Either assign a property:

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
  // ...

or use experimental static class properties syntax:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  static defaultProps = {
    // ...

  // ...

(for which you'll need a Babel plugin)

I'll lock this issue to prevent further incorrect suggestions that will show up in Google results.

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