May be user error here, but maybe not. Using ECMA2015 + babel if it matters.
return (
<div className={curtainClasses} style={this.props.curtainClass ? null : curtainStyle} onClick={this.props.clickHandler}>
<div key="_srm-modal" style={this.props.modalClass ? null : modalStyle} className={modalClasses}>
renders (in my app):
<div class="_srm-curtain modal-background" data-reactid=".">
<div class="modal-pod" data-reactid=".$_srm-modal">
<h1 data-reactid=".$_srm-modal.0">Hello World</h1>
However, if I try to mess with a CSSTransitionGroup:
let ReactCSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup;
return (
<div className={curtainClasses} style={this.props.curtainClass ? null : curtainStyle} onClick={this.props.clickHandler}>
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName={this.props.transitionName}>
<div key="_srm-modal" style={this.props.modalClass ? null : modalStyle} className={modalClasses}>
renders with these extra spans:
<div class="_srm-curtain modal-background" data-reactid=".">
<span data-reactid=".">
<div class="modal-pod" data-reactid=".$=1$_srm-modal">
<h1 data-reactid=".$=1$_srm-modal.0">Hello World</h1>
If I'm doing something wrong, please point me in the right direction! Maybe there was a note in the docs I missed!
Thanks guys, keep up the great work!
I believe this is the documented behavior of the CSSTransitionGroup
Thank you so much! I missed that byline! @garetht
This issue might have been closed, but using React.Fragment as component property solved the issue for me.
Most helpful comment
This issue might have been closed, but using React.Fragment as component property solved the issue for me.