Mopidy: Contributing a New Logo

Created on 18 Apr 2018  ยท  11Comments  ยท  Source: mopidy/mopidy

Hi developers!
I am a graphic designer, I want to contribute to make a logo on your project, before I start it, I have to ask your permission first ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Regards, @artjeck


Most helpful comment

Hi Owner ๐Ÿ˜€
All File is Here for new Logo Mopidy

All 11 comments

I'm in no way attached to our current "Mopidy โ™ช" "logo" in whatever font is currently used and would love to see some suggestions for a new logo.

The logo should have variations that work:

  • As a favicon
  • In a navbar, like on and
  • On t-shirts? :-)


Is this a currently used Mopidy logo Sir

Can I see the original logo at this time?

Yes, this is the current logo. You can find it at

oh yes sir ๐Ÿ˜‰, means I can start making it right?
When should I finish it? ๐Ÿ˜

Yes, anyone is free to and welcome to suggest a new project logo anytime!

As this is all based on voluntary contributions, when to start and end and what level of effort you put into the work is entirely up to you :-)

Oh yeah sir, thanks for the permit. Once again thank you sir ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Hello Sir ๐Ÿ˜
I have prepared a simple and elegant logos.

Benefits / Improvements

I found this Open Source project while browsing the internet on github. Because the previous Logo did not have the impression that mopidy is a music server, not a music listener app. Then I decided to design a new logo for Mopidy by asking permission first to Developer. I created this logo with the idea of "SERVER" and "EARPHONE" to better reflect the music sever.I use the color elegant and easy to see.

Navbar Display


Details Idea


T Shirt Mock Up

t-shirt mockup_front
t-shirt mockup_back

Views on iOS Mobile

mock up-1
mock up-2

Logo Type


Logo Mark

for variations of the mark logo, I have prepared 2 versions, if you like other colors, Size, AI file type, SVG, PDF, PNG, JPG, no matter sir just say it, I hope you like it ๐Ÿ˜€
How do you think sir?

Hi Owner ๐Ÿ˜€
All File is Here for new Logo Mopidy

Although the colour is not my favourite, I like the design.

Reviving this since it never got that much traction. I would be happy to accept this contribution and switch logo. @jodal @kingosticks thoughts?

I do like the design and the thought behind it. I'm not sold on the colour either but it's not like Mopidy has any pre-existing colour branding. So all in all, a huge improvement. Thanks @artjeck!

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