Mopidy: MPD idle command is missing from list issued by "commands" command

Created on 15 Jan 2017  路  8Comments  路  Source: mopidy/mopidy

Mopidy 2.1.0 is missing the "idle" command in the list of available commands issued when calling the


command. MPD includes it properly

C-bug good first issue

Most helpful comment

Not that I'm developing mopidy, it looks like you have to start here: mopidy/mpd/protocol/ look for idle and list_command

All 8 comments

45a0a9233cfc5c2044b661ec04d92e3ddd5c9008 (#654) removed it and a bunch of other commands from the listings on purpose. To the best of my knowledge I checked it against MPD at the time. So they must have changed their mind / fixed it and now we are lagging behind again.

Seems to be. MPD 0.20.2 is listing it.

MPD output:

telnet localhost 6600
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
OK MPD 0.20.0
command: add
command: addid
command: addtagid
command: channels
command: clear
command: clearerror
command: cleartagid
command: close
command: commands
command: config
command: consume
command: count
command: crossfade
command: currentsong
command: decoders
command: delete
command: deleteid
command: disableoutput
command: enableoutput
command: find
command: findadd
command: idle
command: kill
command: list
command: listall
command: listallinfo
command: listfiles
command: listmounts
command: listplaylist
command: listplaylistinfo
command: listplaylists
command: load
command: lsinfo
command: mixrampdb
command: mixrampdelay
command: mount
command: move
command: moveid
command: next
command: notcommands
command: outputs
command: password
command: pause
command: ping
command: play
command: playid
command: playlist
command: playlistadd
command: playlistclear
command: playlistdelete
command: playlistfind
command: playlistid
command: playlistinfo
command: playlistmove
command: playlistsearch
command: plchanges
command: plchangesposid
command: previous
command: prio
command: prioid
command: random
command: rangeid
command: readcomments
command: readmessages
command: rename
command: repeat
command: replay_gain_mode
command: replay_gain_status
command: rescan
command: rm
command: save
command: search
command: searchadd
command: searchaddpl
command: seek
command: seekcur
command: seekid
command: sendmessage
command: setvol
command: shuffle
command: single
command: stats
command: status
command: stop
command: subscribe
command: swap
command: swapid
command: tagtypes
command: toggleoutput
command: unmount
command: unsubscribe
command: update
command: urlhandlers
command: volume

Hi I am new to contributing to open source and due to my love of music and python being my language of choice for programming I started with this project as it looks like a great project to learn about and learn from. I am currently searching through the files and trying to help fix this bug as it is labeled for beginners. Unfortunately I have not been able to find where the commands are stored. Is there anyone who can help me figure out where to start?

Not that I'm developing mopidy, it looks like you have to start here: mopidy/mpd/protocol/ look for idle and list_command

Thanks for the quick response and advice I will look into that! It looks like I have some terminology and conventions to learn and get used to. Thanks!

Would changing the list_command from False to True do the trick?

Sorry if dumb question. Thanks!

Fixed by PR #1597.

Fix cherry-picked into the release-2.1 branch.

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