This method would DEselect all nodes in the tree -- the analog opposite of the existing SelectAll method.
Currently, clearing all checked nodes is unintuitive. Creating a straightforward method that matches the simplicity of the SelectAll method would reduce developer friction, particularly for those new to the control.
There is the SelectedNodes and a selectedItems property on treeview, you can just call clear on those collections right?
@StephenLPeters Yes...but it took a bloody long time to figure that out! Given there are matching ExpandAll/CollapseAll methods, it makes intuitive sense to add a ClearAll method to the existing SelectAll, even if it's just a wrapper over SelectedNodes.Clear().
Hmm, I see... I think it probably makes sense to have a clear all if there is a SelectAll as well. @predavid-zz
Most helpful comment
Hmm, I see... I think it probably makes sense to have a clear all if there is a SelectAll as well. @predavid-zz