Microsoft-ui-xaml: DatePickerFlyout: Selected date does not receive updates from source.

Created on 8 Jan 2019  路  3Comments  路  Source: microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml

Describe the bug
A DatePickerFlyout whose Date is two-way bound will update target-to-source but not source-to-target.
The following link refers to the same bug and provides a simple (outdated) example project:

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Create a button with a DatePickerFlyout as an AttachedFlyout.
  2. Create a second button that sets the DatePickerFlyout.Date to today.
  3. Change the date inside the flyout.
  4. Hit the reset button.
  5. Open flyout; The visible date is still what you have selected in step 3. The DatePickerFlyout.Date is exposing the correct date.

Expected behavior
Visible date should reset like it does with DatePicker or TimePickerFlyout.


Version Info
Microsoft.UI.Xaml 2.0.181018003.1

Windows 10 version:

  • [x] October 2018 Update (17763)
  • [x] April 2018 Update (17134)
  • [x] Fall Creators Update (16299)
  • [x] Creators Update (15063)
  • [x] Anniversary Update (14393)

Device form factor:

  • [x] Desktop
bug team-Controls

Most helpful comment

Thanks for reporting this issue. I have made a fix in the OS to resolve this issue. It will be available in a future version of Windows.

All 3 comments

That's frustrating that you weren't getting traction on UserVoice. We'll take a look at this. I've filed an internal issue and we'll report back.

Whoo-hoo finally! I had already given up a little bit...
My LOB application uses its own date control, which is based on this flyout. Unfortunately there are a lof of use cases where the users are confronted with this failure. We have to record a date and time for the documentation process for almost all datasets...

Thanks for reporting this issue. I have made a fix in the OS to resolve this issue. It will be available in a future version of Windows.

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