How to add menu items to the default left menu icon? I use the code below to add it, it seems over lay with the default 'menu' icon. I can tell because the menu icon becomes black instead of white by default.
iconElementLeft = {
<IconMenu iconButtonElement={
<IconButton iconClassName="material-icons" > menu </IconButton>
<MenuItem primaryText="Refresh" />
<MenuItem primaryText="Help" />
<MenuItem primaryText="Sign out" />
I just want to add menu items to the left 'menu' icon menu, as if in the example
<AppBar title="Title" />
but in the example, they didn't add any menu items to the only left side menu icon button.
Also, does it work with react-router? Below code is NOT valid. How do I add link to the menu item, have to use event?
iconElementLeft = {
<IconMenu iconButtonElement={
<IconButton iconClassName="material-icons" > menu </IconButton>
} openDirection="bottom-right">
<Link to="/bar"><MenuItem primaryText="Bar" /></Link>
How do I distinguish which item is clicked? value id and primaryText all cannot be gotten from the event.
`handleMenuClick: function(event) {
title="Well Factory Sim"
iconElementLeft = {
<IconMenu iconButtonElement={
<IconButton iconClassName="material-icons" > menu </IconButton>
} openDirection="bottom-right"
<MenuItem primaryText="a" value="a" id="a" />
<MenuItem primaryText="b" value="b" id="b" />
This is how I did it:
onRequestChange={open => this.setState({menuOpen: open})}
<MenuItem onTouchTap={this.closeLeftNav} value={'/'} primaryText="Home"/>
@treeder Thanks for your anwser.
@jma7889 That doesn't looks like an issue with material-ui, please use stackoverflow for questions. Unless you think we can improve the documentation, I will close the issue.
I think the documentation can certainly be improved here. In the Simple Example ( it says "By default, the left icon is a navigation-menu," but it's not at all obvious how to use it as an actual navigation-menu -- or even what a navigation-menu is, other than an icon.
@oliviertassinari Would it be possible to address @Sigfried 's comment? I believe he makes a valid point. Furthermore, would be nice to see your team work through problems such as this!! Cheers!
@nejohnston Please check out the v1-beta version.
Thanks. Is there any guidance available on upgrading to v1-beta? Or any off-the-cuff opinions about how much one's application is likely to break in attempting to upgrade? There's probably a better place to ask or find the answer but I didn't see it with a cursory search.
Is there any guidance available on upgrading to v1-beta?
@Sigfried The best we have is #7195.
Or any off-the-cuff opinions about how much one's application is likely to break in attempting to upgrade?
It's a complete rewrite.
Excellent. So I won't be tempted to just jump in with my fingers crossed ;)
One of the worst libraries I've worked with. If I had to do that much by myself then why I'm choosing a library?
@ejoo Yes, why?
@ejoo Do you expect the library's maintainers to upgrade your code? :sweat_smile:
@leMaik I think he means why use the app bar if it's more work?
It's great for just having a title on the left and icon on the right... but if you want anything custom like a menu, and of course most people would, you end up fighting the app-bar more than it helps.
Most helpful comment
I think the documentation can certainly be improved here. In the Simple Example ( it says "By default, the left icon is a navigation-menu," but it's not at all obvious how to use it as an actual navigation-menu -- or even what a navigation-menu is, other than an icon.