OS: Windows 10 Pro (x64) 10.0.18362 Build 18362
Browser: Chrome v83.0.4103.116 (64-Bit)
Some icons look very different on windows to how they look on MacOS or Linux.
The ones that spotted are the following:
This issue seems oddly specific to Windows 10 (works fine on macOS). I was able to verify using a variety of browsers.
I also noticed a few other icons that seemed to have the same issue.
Did you see the v4.0.0
release by chance? It has updated icons. 馃
Our team is going to try those out and see if it resolves the issue. (bonus is now these fonts can come from npm! 馃帀 )
Problem still persists in v4, but seems to be limited just to the sharp icon variants.
Facing this issue with round icons as well (group, timeline, list, local_fire_department) using
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons|Material+Icons+Outlined|Material+Icons+Round|Material+Icons+Two+Tone" rel="stylesheet" />
Windows 10 Enterprise, 1703, 15063.296
Chrome 87.0.4280.88
Most helpful comment
Problem still persists in v4, but seems to be limited just to the sharp icon variants.