Material-design-icons: Copy SVG icon content to clipboard

Created on 15 Oct 2020  路  4Comments  路  Source: google/material-design-icons

How can I do quick copy SVG icon content to clipboard?

For example when I do copy instead of download, the clipboard content will be something like this

<svg fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns="">
<path xmlns="" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12 4C12.5523 4 13 4.44772 13 5V16.5858L17.2929 12.2929C17.6834 11.9024 18.3166 11.9024 18.7071 12.2929C19.0976 12.6834 19.0976 13.3166 18.7071 13.7071L12.7071 19.7071C12.3166 20.0976 11.6834 20.0976 11.2929 19.7071L5.29289 13.7071C4.90237 13.3166 4.90237 12.6834 5.29289 12.2929C5.68342 11.9024 6.31658 11.9024 6.70711 12.2929L11 16.5858V5C11 4.44772 11.4477 4 12 4Z" fill="#282828"></path>

All 4 comments

Yup, would be extra cool

I had nothing to do so I created a script for tampermonkey till this won't be added

@nt4f04uNd so cool. Thank you for your kind help.
Hope this will be added soon on the main website.

@quyleanh fixed it a bit, so if you been using it, you can update

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