Material-design-icons: How to give proper attribution?

Created on 4 Mar 2015  路  5Comments  路  Source: google/material-design-icons

There should be a part in the stating how to give attribution.
What's the NAME to give attribution to?

"using material-design-icons"?
"using google/material-design-icons"?
"uses Material Design icons by Google"?

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We would generally like attribution to be user-visible (i.e., not hidden in code / view-source), however we don't expect attribution to be anywhere prominent.

Many Android apps include a section within their Help / About section that list open source licenses used by their project. Something akin to that is fine.

All 5 comments

To the best of my knowledge, we should be fine with the very last of these. @jestelle I think for the next release we should update the README to include more details on attribution as these questions come up semi-regularly. Sound worthwhile?

I would also like to know where we need to put the attribution. In the homepage? source? every page?

Why should we give it? It's an official icon set by Google (or am I wrong?). By providing it Google encourages us to implement material design in our applications. Google also provides us with Android API, Google Play Services, Android Studio and tons of other stuff that helps us create and promote Android applications. Should we give attribution to all that also?

@andreynovikov Simply because of the license. We're required to. See

We would generally like attribution to be user-visible (i.e., not hidden in code / view-source), however we don't expect attribution to be anywhere prominent.

Many Android apps include a section within their Help / About section that list open source licenses used by their project. Something akin to that is fine.

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