Material-design-icons: V4: how to get woff, woff2, .. for self-hosting

Created on 24 Aug 2020  Â·  3Comments  Â·  Source: google/material-design-icons

we must use self-hosting for the fonts and cannot use the google CDN

How can we get/build the woff, woff2, .. versions of the fonts?

i.e. in V3 different fonts files were in the iconfont directory and we could simply copy them.
In V4 there is only the ttf version in the font directory.

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You can convert the ttf online using this free tool:

woff2 is widely supported ( and can be output by or Depending on your browser support listing woff2 and the [ot]tf as sources might be sufficient, if not there are converters for many other formats.

I am using Ubuntu.
The ttf / otf → woff utility is woff-tools.
The ttf / otf → woff2 utility is woff2.
These two utilities provide convenient command-line conversions to the desired formats.

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