Material-design-icons: codes index not updated for a long time锛宲lease update

Created on 24 Aug 2018  路  3Comments  路  Source: google/material-design-icons

material-icons font codes index not updated for a long time锛宲lease update


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Yea I am seeing more icons on repo here, and less on that Icon Tool. Google products even have their own new icons too, but apparently either this tool or their repo is slow to catch up. Isn't Google employees especially on development isn't using this too? Why they aren't automatically adding it after they're done?

Material Design Icons Community is even faster on this c'mon. Any explanations on this?

Unfortunately we're a bit underwater with respect to the open-sourcing of our icons.
is the up-to-date source, and unfortunately the only part of our icon system we have completely maintained.

We'll be catching up towards the end of the year.

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