I'm using the combination of lightslider and lightgallery. Everything is working like i want to, except when i mouse drag the gallery opens. I feel this should not happen, it should only slide the images with mousedrag.
I cannot seem to fix this. This is the relevant code:
var allowOtherImageTools = true;
jQuery(function ($)
if ($(".image_tools > li").length > 1)
var myLightSlider;
myLightSlider = $(".image_tools").lightSlider({
item: 1,
slideMargin: 5, //margin right
enableDrag: true, //mouse drag
loop: true, //loop carousel
pager: false, //small bullets
gallery: false, //small thumbnails
enableTouch: true,
swipeThreshold: 50,
prevHtml: '<span class="icon icon-left-open">',
nextHtml: '<span class="icon icon-right-open">',
onBeforeSlide: function (imageTools)
allowOtherImageTools = false;
onAfterSlide: function (imageTools)
allowOtherImageTools = true;
* Gallery > When slider is loaded the gallery is iniated
onSliderLoad: function (imageTools)
var myLightGallery;
myLightGallery = imageTools.lightGallery(
selector: '.lslide figure img', // custom selector to find content
mode: 'lg-slide', // fade mode (slide and fade present, other need additional css file)
download: false, // show or hide download button
prevHtml: '<span class="icon icon-left-open">',
nextHtml: '<span class="icon icon-right-open">',
loop: true,
//zoom plugin
zoom: true,
actualSize: true, // back to default size
scale: 0.5, // zoom scale
hideBarsDelay: 150000, //hide toolbar 15s
// event object Jquery event object
// prevIndex int index of previous slide
// index int index of the slide
// fromTouch bool true if slide function called via touch event or mouse drag
// fromThumb bool true if slide function called via thumbnail click
.on('onAfterSlide.lg', function (event, prevIndex, index, fromTouch, fromThumb)
//match slider index
// event object Jquery event object
.on('onBeforeOpen.lg', function (event) {
if (!allowOtherImageTools)
//what should i do here??
//else no image slider needed
As a fix, i'm trying (and failing) to not open the gallery at a mousedrag. I'm using the onBeforeSlide / onAfterslide events to set a global allowOtherImageTools in an attempt to stop the opening off the gallery.
My questions
to prevent the opening of the gallery?Hey @preliot,
At present, there are no direct ways to solve the issue. I'm working on lightSlider version 2.0. I'll try to include the fix in v 2.0.
for current use, you can disable enableDrag and enableTouch from the settings.
Temporary fix:
onBeforeSlide: function (imageTools)
* Slider > Replacement text with real sentences
onAfterSlide: function (imageTools)
Works, because gallery assumes it is already opened. This is a hack, but keeps my mousedrag!
While probably using lightslider is probably a better idea, but as it is too late for me to switch, here is what works for me for tiny-slider
slider.events.on('dragStart', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
slider.events.on('dragEnd', function () {
Most helpful comment
Temporary fix:
Works, because gallery assumes it is already opened. This is a hack, but keeps my mousedrag!