it is not working in v2 of lightgallery. how to do it?
Hey @sourav54321,
Yes, this has been changed in v2.
Here is the docs - https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/docs/methods/
Note - If you just want to modify the slides, you can don't have to call the destroy method. You can use refresh method instead
Demo - https://www.lightgalleryjs.com/demos/infinite-scrolling/
Thanks. but how can i delete a particular instance? how to pass a div id or a class name to delete a particular gallery? like in v1 there is div_id how to pass that id in v2 destroy public method.
const plugin = lightGallery();
If you have multiple galleries on the same page, you might need to store the instances somewhere.
For example,
const galleries = {};
const initGallery = (id, settings) => {
galleries[id] = lightGallery(document.getElementById(id), settings);
const destroyGallery = (id) => {
initGallery('div1', {});
initGallery('div2', {mode:'fade'})
// Destroy second gallery
i have checked it in doc ,
"In case if you want to re-initialize lightGallery right after destroying it, initialize it only once the destroy process is completed."
how can i know the destroy process is completed?is destroy method return promise?i am facing issue at reinitialise just after destroying a gallery.(only last image element is clickable and show the particular gallery, clicking on the others elements does not show the gallery, but if i reinitialise after some couple of time through console or function everything works perfectly)
No. destory method does not return promise as it adds a lot of polyfill for the old browsers. But it returns the time takes to destroy lightGallery completely(Since version 2.2.0-beta).
const timeout = plugin.destroy();
// re-init lightGallery
Sorry for the confusion. I'm still working on the docs
Thanks for the help.
Most helpful comment
No. destory method does not return promise as it adds a lot of polyfill for the old browsers. But it returns the time takes to destroy lightGallery completely(Since version 2.2.0-beta).
Sorry for the confusion. I'm still working on the docs