Julia: 0.6 undocumented incompatibility/change?

Created on 8 Mar 2017  Â·  32Comments  Â·  Source: JuliaLang/julia

per https://discourse.julialang.org/t/is-this-expected-behavior-0-5-to-0-6-breakage/2534/7

In 0.5:

julia> a = Vector{UInt32}([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:

julia> a + 1
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:

In 0.6:

julia> a = Vector{UInt32}([0x01, 0x02, 0x03])
3-element Array{UInt32,1}:

julia> a + 1
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

(Is there a reason this change was made? FWIW, I prefer the old behavior. Changing the type out from under me broke a bunch of things, most significantly some code for generating random graphs:


Unless you know that MersenneTwister's seed is a Vector{UInt32}, you wouldn't know that adding 1 to it would cause a type change and subsequent failure. Ironically, if it were a Vector{Char}, everything would have just worked:

julia> a = Vector{Char}(['a','b','c'])
3-element Array{Char,1}:

julia> a + 1
3-element Array{Char,1}:

I couldn't find anything in NEWS.md on this change, so at a minimum, I think a note would be warranted if this new behavior is intended.

Most helpful comment

It it kind of annoying that x ⨳= y can change the type of x so easily. I wonder if it would make sense to lower it to x = oftype(x, x ⨳ y) instead of just x = x ⨳ y. One would probably be hard pressed to find a case where changing the type of x in these kinds of expressions isn't a bug.

All 32 comments


There is a NEWS entry about it.

You're referring to this entry?

The array-scalar methods of /, \, *, +, and - now follow broadcast promotion rules. (Likewise for the now-deprecated array-scalar methods of div, mod, rem, &, |, and xor; see "Deprecated or removed" below.) (#19692).

With all respect, that's probably the least intuitive explanation for what's happening here that I can imagine.

Perhaps make a PR with something along the line "Consequently, Float32[1.0, 2.0] * 3.0 results in a Vector{Float64}".

Just to clarify, Vector{UInt32}([0x1,0x2]) + 1 will only yield a Vector{Int64} on 64-bit systems, right? If so, that's even more confusing.

Why is that confusing? It works just as for scalar op scalar

The fact that it works the same as the scalar ops is good. There's a separate issue that perhaps the scalar ops should have different behaviors than they do, but that's a different issue.

I think I'm in agreement with @sbromberger here. This change does make it harder to write code that works the same on both 32 and 64-bit systems.

I've been playing around with this, and the results don't really mesh with my intuition. Some interesting examples--can you predict the output types on 32-bit and 64-bit systems?:

f(x) = (x.+=1; x)
g(x) = x.+1

x = UInt64[1,2,3]
y = UInt32[1,2,3]
z = Int32[1,2,3]



This is confusing behavior to me:

julia> function f(x)
           println("eltype in ", eltype(x))
           v = x + 1
           println("eltype out ", eltype(v))
           return v

julia> f(Int32[1,2,3]);
eltype in Int32
eltype out Int32

julia> f(Int32(1));
eltype in Int32
eltype out Int64

@KristofferC, that make sense. And from my perspective, it is also confusing to me when my array variable type changes from under me:

julia> function f(x)
           println("type in ", typeof(x))
           x += 1
           println("type out ", typeof(x))
           return x

julia> f(UInt32[1,2,3]);
type in Array{UInt32,1}
type out Array{Int64,1}

So do you expect [1] + 1.5 to throw an error?

Your array type didn't change. You created a brand new array.

It it kind of annoying that x ⨳= y can change the type of x so easily. I wonder if it would make sense to lower it to x = oftype(x, x ⨳ y) instead of just x = x ⨳ y. One would probably be hard pressed to find a case where changing the type of x in these kinds of expressions isn't a bug.

I'm also of the opinion that this behavior of integers is unfortunate but it all roots on the, also unfortunate IMO, decision that integers default to int64.

X-ref: #19669

If you need to preserve the type of your container you now have many options:

  • Modify your array in place. E.g. Float32[1.0] .+= 1.0
  • In some cases you could use an scalar such that the return type is the same as the array type. Float32[1.0] + 1.f0
  • Use a comprehension. T=eltype(A) and T[a ⨳ s for a in A] or [T(a ⨳ s) for a in A]
  • Take advantage of dot fusion. T.(s .⨳ A)

I'm also of the opinion that this behavior of integers is unfortunate but it all roots on the, also unfortunate IMO, decision that integers default to int64.

What would you propose that integers default to?

@pabloferz: I was actually think more in terms of scalar operations, where I often have to take pains to get arguments to the same type, e.g. when writing things like x += 1.

What would you propose that integers default to?

I would have preferred that they defaulted to int32, both in 32 and 64 bits systems

@StefanKarpinski I was referring to the OP for the cases where you have to work with arrays.

For scalars maybe https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/19992 could be relevant. There it is proposed to make .= work with immutables. So maybe we could have .⨳= to preserve the type on the LHS when immutable?

So do you expect [1] + 1.5 to throw an error?

@yuyichao no, in that case I expect to have a Vector{Float64}. But Floats are a fundamentally different type than Ints; I guess my preference would be this:

if the resulting value can be represented as the same type as the first operand
    then it should take the type of the first operand
else if the resulting value can be represented as the same type as the second operand
    then it should take the type of the second operand
else if the resulting value can be promoted
    then it should be promoted
else throw an error

@KristofferC said:

Your array type didn't change. You created a brand new array.

Sorry, you're right. What I meant (and should have said) was that my variable type changed.

Perhaps make a PR with something along the line "Consequently, Float32[1.0, 2.0] * 3.0 results in a Vector{Float64}".

Haven't we been here before, e.g. #1641? This feels a lot like a regression.

It is not a "regression" because it was an intentional change. Writing generic code you should not really care if your function get passed an array or a number and you want to apply an operation to all the elements. It is inconsistent to me to return different element types depending on if 1.0 or [1.0] got passed.

The comment you linked are from five years ago. A lot of things have changed since then.

It's probably not that constructive for two Swedes to discuss the meaning of English words but I'm fairly certain you can regress even if you do it by intention. In this case it's a regression to the state of Julia before #1641, which was also an intentional change.

(Personally I'd solve both the problem of blowing up arrays and consistency between arrays and scalars by promoting Float32, Float64 to Float32, but that has been hard to sell.)

I'd solve both the problem of blowing up arrays and consistency between arrays and scalars by promoting Float32, Float64 to Float32

Yes. "principle of least surprise", and all.

@KristofferC What's your Julia version? I got this with your code:

julia> function f(x)
           println("eltype in ", eltype(x))
           v = x + 1
           println("eltype out ", eltype(v))
           return v

julia> f(Int32[1,2,3]);
eltype in Int32
eltype out **Int64**

julia> f(Int32(1));
eltype in Int32
eltype out Int64

And BTW this is also annoying to me:

julia> f(Int64(1));
eltype in Int64
eltype out Int64

julia> f(UInt32(1));
eltype in UInt32
eltype out Int64

julia> f(UInt64(1));
eltype in UInt64
eltype out UInt64

Although I can understand what happened here.

@sunoru This was in 0.5 to show the previous behavior. Promotion between scalars can be confusing sometimes yes. I think there is an issue dealing with it, with a suggestion to make it more intuitive, but I can't find it right now.

@KristofferC I see. I agree with you.

If integers defaulted to Int32 everywhere there would be a large risk of things breaking when data size goes over 2GB, which is really common these days, and getting more common all the time. Attempting to fix that while still using Int32 for literals could cause nuissance type instabilities. We'd be spending a lot of time playing 2GB-barrier-whack-a-mole.

lower it to x = oftype(x, x ⨳ y) instead of just x = x ⨳ y. One would probably be hard pressed to find a case where changing the type of x in these kinds of expressions isn't a bug.

Of course, that could imply making an extra copy of an array, which would be unfortunate. If we really think these cases are bugs, maybe a type assertion instead?

This change does make it harder to write code that works the same on both 32 and 64-bit systems.
I've been playing around with this, and the results don't really mesh with my intuition. Some interesting examples--can you predict the output types on 32-bit and 64-bit systems?:

I would say that has more to do with .+= being in-place while .+ and += are out-of-place, than with the choice of promotion rules.

Ran into this issue on 0.6 and found another error when the .+= is in a return:

julia> function zero_plus_one()
       a =zeros(UInt32, 2)
       return a .+= 1
zero_plus_one (generic function with 1 method)

julia> zero_plus_one()
2-element Array{UInt32,1}:

julia> function zero_plus_one()
       a =zeros(UInt32, 2)
       return 3, a .+= 1
zero_plus_one (generic function with 1 method)

julia> zero_plus_one()
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching broadcast!(::##9#10, ::Tuple{Int64,Array{UInt32,1}}, ::Tuple{Int64,Array{UInt32,1}})
Closest candidates are:
  broadcast!(::Any, ::AbstractArray, ::Any, ::Any...) where N at broadcast.jl:204
  broadcast!(::Tf, ::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, SparseVector}) where Tf at sparse/higherorderfns.jl:98
  broadcast!(::Tf, ::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, SparseVector}, ::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, SparseVector}, ::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, SparseVector}...) where {Tf, N} at sparse/higherorderfns.jl:111
 [1] zero_plus_one() at ./REPL[10]:3

Hopefully this is not expected.

The lowering is the same on 0.5. It is assigning to 3, a use (a .+=1) instead.

what if you change

return 3, a .+= 1


return 3, (a .+= 1)


julia> function zpo()
       a = zeros(UInt32, 2)
       return 3, (a .+= 1)
zpo (generic function with 1 method)

julia> zpo()
(3, UInt32[0x00000001, 0x00000001])

I think the issue is that the precedence for , is higher than the precendence for .+=.

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