The following code will cause CI to fail, even though @test_skip
should not contribute to CI success/failure:
using LightGraphs
using LightGraphs.LinAlg
using Base.Test
@testset "foo" begin
@test_skip 1 == 2
julia> Pkg.test("LightGraphs")
INFO: Testing LightGraphs
Test Summary: | Broken Total
foo | 1 1
ERROR: LoadError: Some tests did not pass: 0 passed, 0 failed, 0 errored, 1 broken.
causing a CI failure.
This is apparently fixed in 0.6, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.
Bisect identifies 8982605c1998 as fixing this. I'm glad the version of that PR that we merged was bisect-clean.
That commit is a bit too large and disruptive to backport, but a small subset of it would probably be good enough to fix this bug. Likely just the counting of broken tests in determining whether a testset succeeds or fails.
I just came across this myself for @test_broken
. Here's the workaround I'm using until 0.5.2:
using Base.Test
if VERSION < v"0.6-"
# Override Test.@test_broken, which is broken on julia-0.5!
# See
macro test_broken(exs...)
esc(:(@test !($(exs...))))
fixed in 0.5.2 which will be tagged and uploaded shortly
Most helpful comment
fixed in 0.5.2 which will be tagged and uploaded shortly