Ionicons: Request: Stack Overflow icon

Created on 9 Dec 2015  路  6Comments  路  Source: ionic-team/ionicons

request feature request

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Stackoverflow icon needed.

All 6 comments

What's the use case? Trying to decide if SO is worth the extra size it would add to the pack

I can think of two. My current use case is Ioniconified links to social profiles, e.g.

screenshot from 2016-01-13 10-05-24

(where I'm currently using chatboxes in place of an SO icon)

Stack Overflow (or perhaps, more generally, the Stack Exchange family) is much more broadly used and trafficked than say CodePen or AngularJS which are both represented.

The second use case I can imagine is deep linking to specific questions or anwsers in SO/SE sites, and being able to decorate the link with this icon.

please add Stack Overflow icon :)
it is not first request, please see

I vote for this too.

I vote for this.
stackoverflow and freecodecamp icons are missing

Stackoverflow icon needed.

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