How to use it in react application , i found react-ionicon package but its kind of outdated and supports ionicons 3 , is there any way i can import ionicons 5 in my react application.
I kind of work around with cdn and it seems to work fine , but i couldnt work around with node modules.
We definitely need to include better docs for those, sorry! For the time being, check out our first app tutorial to see how; specifically look at the demo app.
So when do you plan to include it ?
Yeah the official IonIcon documentation is completely wrong for a react Ionic app.
No idea if this is official or up to date but this worked for me:
Instead of:
<ion-icon name="airplane-outline"></ion-icon>
For a react Ionic app it should be:
<IonIcon icon={airplaneOutline}></IonIcon>
And be sure to import the icon reference:
import {arrowBackCircleOutline} from "ionicons/icons";
@lucej this will import base64 image and should be enclosed inside a img tag , which would make changing color difficult , masking it would be an option but i need a simple way to do it.
i did a simple hack , works a gem.
making a component and replacing base64 image files such that i would only get svg markup
import React from 'react'
export default function IonIconComponent(props) {
let icon = props.icon.replace("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,","");
return (
<div className="ion-icon-container">
<div className="icon-inner" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:icon}}/>
now i can use this same component wherever i need
import {createOutline} from 'ionicons/icons/index';
export const ActionComponent = withRouter((props) => {
const data = props;
return (
<IonIconComponent icon={createOutline}/>
Most helpful comment
We definitely need to include better docs for those, sorry! For the time being, check out our first app tutorial to see how; specifically look at the demo app.