Ionic-framework: bug: ion-virtual-scroll overlapping items

Created on 29 May 2019  路  23Comments  路  Source: ionic-team/ionic-framework

Bug Report

Ionic version:

Current behavior:
When using a virtual scroll component containing items of varying height with an infinite scroll occasionally the height of some items is approxItemHeight instead of calculating the height which causes overlapping.

Expected behavior:
It should be possible to have items of varying heights within a virtual scroll component when using infinite-scroll.

Steps to reproduce:
I've created a simple test app with which you can reproduce the issue. It's available here:

Run in chrome while inspecting in a portrait iPhone X and scroll down, keep scrolling until you see some overlapping. Note I've set the approxItemHeight to just 10px as this makes it easier to reproduce, it still occurs with larger approximations. Occasionally I've had to scroll down to item 200+, other times it happens quickly. It's probably to do with the speed at which you scroll.


Here is a video of it occurring:
Related code:
Full project allowing repro:

    <ion-buttons slot="start">
      <ion-button (click)="refresh()">Refresh</ion-button>

    <ion-virtual-scroll #vScroll [items]=ourItems approxItemHeight="10px">
      <div *virtualItem="let item">
        <app-dynamic-one  [layoutData]="item">
    <ion-infinite-scroll threshold="100%" (ionInfinite)="infiniteScroll($event)" style="z-index: 99999">
      <ion-infinite-scroll-content style="z-index: 99999;"
              loadingText="Loading more ...">
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { IonVirtualScroll } from '@ionic/angular';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: '',
  styleUrls: [''],
export class HomePage {

  @ViewChild('vScroll', { read: IonVirtualScroll }) vScroll: IonVirtualScroll;
  ourItems:any[] = []


    var offset = this.ourItems.length;
    console.log("Add elements "+offset+" to "+(offset+howMany-1));
    for(var i = offset; i < offset+howMany; i++)



Other information:

Ionic info:

   ionic (Ionic CLI)             : 4.12.0 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic)
   Ionic Framework               : @ionic/angular 4.4.0
   @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.13.9
   @angular-devkit/schematics    : 7.3.9
   @angular/cli                  : 7.3.9
   @ionic/angular-toolkit        : 1.5.1

   NodeJS : v10.15.3 (/usr/local/bin/node)
   npm    : 6.9.0
   OS     : macOS High Sierra
core bug

Most helpful comment

In version 4.6.2, ion-virtual-scroll still has issues. In fact, the update seems to have broken a working ion-virtual-scroll.

I decided to dig in a bit to see if I could isolate the problem since I seem to perpetually have ion-virtual-scroll issues like this:

My code:
I removed all of my custom css to make sure it wasn't causing issues.

        <ion-virtual-scroll #virtualScroll [items]="sessionsList" [approxItemHeight]="18" [approxHeaderHeight]="1" [approxFooterHeight]="1">
            <ion-card *virtualItem="let session;">

How it renders: (Note that there are 6 cards instead of 11 showing)
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7 06 24 PM

Tried switching to items instead of cards, which helped, but I'm trying to use cards. Not items.
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7 05 56 PM

Added a console.log() in:

The height should be 18px for each.
First render ( in the console log) shows empty.
Second render - Note the top field is multiples of 18:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 13 14 PM
Third render - Note the top field is suddenly multiples of 28 for some reason:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 13 30 PM

The solution for me, for the time being, was to put the ion-card inside of an ion-item.

This is especially ironic since the documentation for ion-virtual-scroll gives the example using a card:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 57 31 PM

Hope all of this helps someone find the source of this issue and resolve this once and for all. I feel like I've spent more time debugging ion-virtual-scroll since (I think) ionic v1, than debugging anything else in ionic.

All 23 comments

Confirmed, this is still an issue in 4.6.0 AND dev

Seems like the code path for stencil usage never measures the elements. I tried hacking at it for a bit, but it only works once after the first scroll event, then things get janked up.

      this.virtualDom.forEach((node: any) => {
        const domNode: any = this.el.children[node.cell.i - this.range.offset];
        if (!domNode) { return; }
        const update = () => {
          const style = window.getComputedStyle(domNode);
          const height = domNode.offsetHeight + parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'));
          this.setCellHeight(node.cell, height);
        domNode && domNode.componentOnReady ? node.componentOnReady().then(update) : update();

In version 4.6.2, ion-virtual-scroll still has issues. In fact, the update seems to have broken a working ion-virtual-scroll.

I decided to dig in a bit to see if I could isolate the problem since I seem to perpetually have ion-virtual-scroll issues like this:

My code:
I removed all of my custom css to make sure it wasn't causing issues.

        <ion-virtual-scroll #virtualScroll [items]="sessionsList" [approxItemHeight]="18" [approxHeaderHeight]="1" [approxFooterHeight]="1">
            <ion-card *virtualItem="let session;">

How it renders: (Note that there are 6 cards instead of 11 showing)
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7 06 24 PM

Tried switching to items instead of cards, which helped, but I'm trying to use cards. Not items.
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 7 05 56 PM

Added a console.log() in:

The height should be 18px for each.
First render ( in the console log) shows empty.
Second render - Note the top field is multiples of 18:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 13 14 PM
Third render - Note the top field is suddenly multiples of 28 for some reason:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 13 30 PM

The solution for me, for the time being, was to put the ion-card inside of an ion-item.

This is especially ironic since the documentation for ion-virtual-scroll gives the example using a card:
Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 10 57 31 PM

Hope all of this helps someone find the source of this issue and resolve this once and for all. I feel like I've spent more time debugging ion-virtual-scroll since (I think) ionic v1, than debugging anything else in ionic.

You may want to watch or join in on - it lists a lot of related bugs.

I am also facing this overlapping problem. :/ any workaround for fix for this problem

<ion-content *ngIf="($myObs | async) as tests; else loading">
  <ion-virtual-scroll [items]="tests" approxItemHeight="320px">
    <div *virtualItem="let item;">
    <app-demo [field]="item" ></app-demo>

Same Issue. Its been a long one and had not been fixed for years
If you have and observable that throws data at virtual-scroll, you will have an overlapping issue.

Can we fix this after 3 years?

Well it's still with us in Version 5 :-(

They are aware that Virtual Scroll is broken. I'm hoping it will be fixed this year else we are looking at a V6 fix, I'm not quite sure what to read from the following video about V5 at '30:41' when @brandyscarney says "Are we allowed to mention Virtual Scroll?' in response to beginning to talk about V6. I'm hoping she's suggesting it may come before hand.

However when I spoke to Ionic support Mid 2019 they suggested that they were looking at Angular's virtual scroll and had found that the manner in which it works would fit better into the ecosystem. This suggests to me there may be an API breaking change coming in V6.

Ionic pointed me towards the following:

I've not looked into this as a replacement yet, as we are not near release and are ignoring the overlap for now, preying it will be fixed.

If anyone does try Angular's solution and it solves this issue please post here so that others can gain confidence to go give it a go.

I have reproduced the bug with v5. I think that the problem is that ion-virtual-scroll uses an internal list called "heightIndex" which contains the height of every item inside.
When there are ion-card with ion-img inside and it doesn't have a height set by css class, it seems that the height is not updated when ion-img src is loaded.

I'm not an ionic expert but I think i have found a workaround by using ionImgDidLoad. Maybe there is a cleaner solution but I hope it helps.

In page.html

  <ion-virtual-scroll [items]="myitems" [approxItemHeight]="500">
    <ion-card *virtualItem="let myitem; let i = index">
      <ion-img (ionImgDidLoad)="_loaded(i)" class="card-img" src=""></ion-img>
        My content

In page.ts
import { IonVirtualScroll } from '@ionic/angular'; export class MyPage { @ViewChild(IonVirtualScroll, {read: IonVirtualScroll, static: false}) scroll: IonVirtualScroll; _loaded(i: any) { this.scroll.checkRange(i,5); console.log(i); } }

@dmunicio are you able to get the index of the list with the help of let i = index ?

Yes, if you run that code, you can see the output of console.log(i) while making scroll.
And so on...

This issue is majorly affecting my app. Does anyone have a solid alternative to the virtual scroll card combo?

It seems like using a regular <img> tag rather than <ion-img> within <ion-card-content> has fixed the issue for me.

I have been using <img> for a long time and now I'm finding out that a few users are getting this issue. (I don't see the issue when I test locally, but various users are still seeing this issue in their browsers.)

Hi everyone this is my fix/workaround for this problem:

.fixOverlapp {
  height: 100% !important;
  overflow: auto;
.fixOverlapp >.virtual-item {
  position: initial !important;
  transform: initial !important;
<ion-virtual-scroll class="fixOverlapp" [items]="orders">

Hi everyone this is my fix/workaround for this problem:

.fixOverlapp {
  height: 100% !important;
  overflow: auto;
.fixOverlapp >.virtual-item {
  position: initial !important;
  transform: initial !important;
<ion-virtual-scroll class="fixOverlapp" [items]="orders">

It showing then duplicate/old data when Array is changed.

Is anyone fixed this? I tried to use img but it gives me another issue which it will show the wrong image until the new is loaded

Is anyone fixed this? I tried to use img but it gives me another issue which it will show the wrong image until the new is loaded

No. I tried also all work arounds, it always giving an issue. One finished then another started. So finally I am using for scroll

Sad there is still no feedback here, having the same issue

We started seeing this issue as well, randomly, and may have narrowed down a culprit. It seems to be when the native keyboard opens up that our virtual scroll has either scrunched up a bunch of overlapping items if at the top of the virtual scroll, or a blank virtual scroll if it was already scrolled down a bit.

My guess is the viewport is getting relocated/resized, throwing off the virtual scroll's positioning math.

Hope this helps!

Another update, came across this post where they talk about using:

window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

To trigger a redraw of the virtual scroll. This does work, plus i added onFocus events to keep track of when the keyboard comes up. But you don't always end up back where you started in the virtual scroll in terms of position. This i think can be mitigated by ensuring your scroll items are the same size as your approx height,

Hope this helps...

Update: Ensuring that my virtual scroll item ion-card was alwasy exactly the same height as approxItemHeight, including margins, makes the resize land me back where i was accurately most of the time. Like almost pixel perfect location. But sometimes, it will be like 15 items off, and this i can't figure out...

Same problem here on ionic 5...

Guys, I don't think it's not gonna fix! This bug is there from decades. Stop making hope just use angular virtual scroll (

Yes, this is not working with a very simple use case too. i.e. no images, no dynamic size changes and etc. Just around 500 items only

"@ionic/angular": "5.3.3",

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