I would like to reuse an angular 1 module (library-like, mainly services) in a Ionic2 app.
I have read about the upgrade module and its UpgradeAdapter
service in angular 2 docs.
[...] service that can bootstrap and manage hybrid applications that support both Angular 2 and Angular 1 code.
In order to use the UpgradeAdapter service, its bootstrap
function should be called.
Knowing that Ionic2 also requires to call a bootstrap function ionicBootstrap
, I am wondering if it exposes a way to use the UpgradeAdapter bootstrap instead of the standard angular 2 one.
So question is: do you plan to support UpgradeAdapter
Other information:
Which Ionic Version? 2.x
Hello! At this time we are not planning on supporting ngUpgrade
or the upgrade module in Angular 2 for Ionic 2. This involves running both Angular 1 and Angular 2 at the same time, which would also mean running Ionic 1 and Ionic 2 at the same time, which can lead to wonky performance, un-needed complexity and more. Sorry if this causes any hassle for you and thanks for using Ionic!
I don't get the running Ionic 1 and Ionic 2 at the same time? I could easily integrate another framework into Ionic 2, besides NG2, why not simply NG1? So why do you need to run Ionic 1? Can you please elaborate on that a bit?
@jgw96 Could you please comment on this ? I don't understand why running angular1 on top of Ionic2+angular2 implies running Ionic1. Thank you.
Most helpful comment
@jgw96 Could you please comment on this ? I don't understand why running angular1 on top of Ionic2+angular2 implies running Ionic1. Thank you.