Ionic-framework: ion-searchbar autofocus

Created on 10 Mar 2019  路  7Comments  路  Source: ionic-team/ionic-framework

Feature Request

Ionic version:

[x] 4.x

Describe the Feature Request

Add support for autofocus property to ionic core for feature parity with ion-input. Previous patch for v3 in but probably outdated.

Describe Preferred Solution

Boolean property for ion-searchbar will do.

<ion-searchbar autofocus></ion-searchbar>

Describe Alternatives

The alternative uses a simple timeout (don't follow this, not tested) based on angular.

<ion-seachbar #autofocus></ion-searchbar>
export class SimpleSearch implements OnInit {
  @ViewContent('#autofocus') searchbar;

  ngOnInit() {
    setTimeout(() => this.searchbar.focus(), 300);

Related Code

Additional Context

core feature request

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Ionic version:
[x] 4.x
Angular version:
[x] 8.x

<ion-searchbar #autofocus></ion-searchbar>

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { IonSearchbar } from '@ionic/angular';

@ViewChild('autofocus', { static: false }) searchbar: IonSearchbar;

ngOnInit(){ setTimeout(() => this.searchbar.setFocus(), 500); }

All 7 comments

@ViewChild(IonSearchbar) myInput: IonSearchbar;
setTimeout(() => { this.myInput.setFocus(); }, 150);
import { IonSearchbar} from '@ionic/angular';

Same deal with Vue, this works:

mounted() {
  setTimeout(() => this.$refs.searchbar.setFocus(), 1)

Did anyone noticed that the alternative does not work in iOS since iOS 12.2? in 12.1 works fine but in 12.2 it does not work in safari or as app with cordova.

After calling .focus() nothing happens, but if I switch to another app and then back to the ionic app it focuses and the keyboard is shown.

Edit: I opened an issue #18054

Ionic version:
[x] 4.x
Angular version:
[x] 8.x

<ion-searchbar #autofocus></ion-searchbar>

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { IonSearchbar } from '@ionic/angular';

@ViewChild('autofocus', { static: false }) searchbar: IonSearchbar;

ngOnInit(){ setTimeout(() => this.searchbar.setFocus(), 500); }

Without setTimeout

<ion-searchbar #searchbar></ion-searchbar>

@ViewChild('searchbar', { static: false }) searchbar: IonSearchbar;

ionViewDidEnter() {

Like @zen09 said. I just add on.

ViewChild query result completed in (ngAfterViewInit) AfterViewInit.

From documentation:

View queries are set before the ngAfterViewInit callback is called.

So, can do like this.

    ngAfterViewInit() {
        if (this.baseSvc.isBrowser) { // OPTIONAL: this is my condition for my ng ssr

I am still seeing this issue with angular 9 and ionic 5, the setFocus() method is not working within any stage of the lifecycle.

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