I am using keypress event to restrict the special chars in my input. It is going fine with the version lollipop and above, but its not working in Android 4.4.2.
Kindly suggest for this.
Thank You.
I too am having a problem in Ionic regarding the keypress (and key) event.
Ionic v 3.12
<!-- Works in the desktop browser, but onPhoneChange() is never called on the Android device. -->
<ion-input type="text" (keypress)="onPhoneChange($event)" required></ion-input>
Any update on this
is deprecated: https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-keypress
Please consider using Angular Form Validation: https://angular.io/guide/form-validation
If you don't want to use validation, you may be able to restrict the characters entered by setting up an ngModel
and listen on (input)
or (beforeinput)
But, this isn't really a CLI issue, so I'm closing this. Please consider creating a topic in the Ionic Forum and seeing what others have to say. (I'm not an Angular expert.)
Most helpful comment
I too am having a problem in Ionic regarding the keypress (and key) event.
Ionic v 3.12
<!-- Works in the desktop browser, but onPhoneChange() is never called on the Android device. -->
<ion-input type="text" (keypress)="onPhoneChange($event)" required></ion-input>