npm install -g ionic@beta
fails reporting
ERR! enoent: no such file or directory, rename 'C:UsersmyuserAppDataRoamingnpmnode_modulesionicnode_modulescordova-libnode_modulesansi'
node v6.2.0
npm v3.9.2
npm install -g cordova
have finished successfully.
Of course cannot create a new project normaly, missing gulp file etc, but I guess firstly I need to install the cli properly. Any ideas?
I had the same issue, try running:
npm uninstall -g ionic
npm cahce clean
and then try installing again. Also, dont use the @beta version anymore, use:
npm install -g ionic
That did the job, thanks @joshuamorony
Thanks @joshuamorony, worked for me as well.
Most helpful comment
I had the same issue, try running:
npm uninstall -g ionic
npm cahce clean
and then try installing again. Also, dont use the @beta version anymore, use:
npm install -g ionic