Gutenberg: New block: Accordion block

Created on 14 Apr 2020  ·  68Comments  ·  Source: WordPress/gutenberg

There's been a few requests for an Accordion block in core. Let's start exploring how this looks.


  • Pure CSS.
  • Add accordion headers with arrow icons.
  • Allow any block to be added within an accordion section.

Is the accordion section simply a Group block that is able to be collapsed? Basically it would work similarly to the Settings sidebar sections.


Kudos to @melchoyce for this idea. Some examples she shared recently:

Needs Accessibility Feedback Needs Design Feedback New Block [Status] In Progress

Most helpful comment

If there is a fallback for IE, it could be a details element, reducing the markup drastically.

All 68 comments

Great! Yeah this is needed. I have seen a few requests over a longer period of time asking for an accordion block.

If there is a fallback for IE, it could be a details element, reducing the markup drastically.

Actually accordions don't need CSS, JS etc... We could simply use a <details> HTML element.

  <summary>This is the accordion title</summary>
  This is the accordion content

^ The above code would render like this:

This is the accordion title
This is the accordion content

Coincidentally I started building a details block yesterday and it works fine that way.

We _can_ add options to change the styling of the triangle etc if needed, and there's some extra info on this article

Note: accordions built this way are 100% accessible and they just work because native-HTML :smile:

Edit: It looks like I was writing this comment at the same time as @carolinan above :laughing:

We could do a render fallback on the server for IE, or also consider not doing anything (it'll still render the content, just expanded by default).

having it expanded by default in IE is not a big issue... As long as it renders and looks OK I don't think we should add any extra scripts etc to make IE behave like modern browsers. Supporting IE is not the same as making it look & behave identically :+1:

Here are some plugin examples that use accordion blocks.
Twenty Twenty.
Gutenberg plugin activated.

Atomic Blocks


Title selected:

Content selected:


Co Blocks


Title is selected.

Content is selected:

To add a new accordion one clicks the Inserter area similar to the Group Block.


Accordion Blocks by Phil Buchanan


Title selected.

Content selected.

There is a minus on the right side when the accordion is open. When the accordion is closed there is a + sign.

It's worth noting that using heading elements in the <summary> is valid, and that would be the correct way to handle a lot of use-cases for accordions like step-by-step how-to articles.

Should the Accordion block have an option to switch the contents of the <summary> from plain (no inner elements other than text) to different heading levels (similar to the options provided in the Heading block); or should the <summary> be an entire InnerBlocks area where you can insert whatever typography-related block you want?

I'm currently leaning towards the former solution, since it's less complicated, and it's much easier to migrate from that to the latter solution in the future than to go the other way around.

The only thing with IE11 and <details> HTML element is they are expanded by default as mentioned. The problem with that is it defeats the purpose of toggles.

The only thing with IE11 and <details> HTML element is they are expanded by default as mentioned. The problem with that is it defeats the purpose of toggles.

IE11 doesn't _break_ with a <details> element... and sure, it's not the same as it is in a modern browser but that's not a dealbreaker.
Nobody on IE expects to see the same thing they'd see when using Firefox/Chrome/Brave/Whatever. Different browsers exists for different people, different tastes and needs or limitations. If they use IE, then the rest of the planet shouldn't suffer for it.
A workaround could be implemented for IE by loading a conditional script that would tweak the behaviour, but... is it really worth it? Adding extra html & JS in other browsers just to make IE work would do a lot more damage overall, and we can't really move forward if we keep looking at a broken thing from 7 years ago.
They can still see the content, they can read everything, things are properly styled, just not collapsed by default.

I understand what your saying @aristath I just have a very strange requirements with a project right now which only supports IE11 ! is an internal site like a intranet type. The content editor wanted some toggles..

And there is still years of support for IE11 :(

This issue and related PR were discussed today by the Accessibility team.

The team suggests to not use the <details> element for this scenario, and instead follow the ARIA Authoring Practices implementation for an accordion component

For more details on why <details> is not a suitable element, please see:


As always, please feel free to ping the team in the #accessibility Make WordPress Slack channel if there are further questions or comments.

Here's an iteration on the Accordion block.


That looks pretty good. One thing we'll need to make sure to include in the block's toolbar is a way to switch the HTML element of the heading, including h1-h6 options, plus maybe even p? We should be able to extract the heading level control from the Heading block and reuse it here.

Here's a prototype of how I imagine this block working.


  • It uses similar block interactions as the Group and Heading blocks.

    • The Accordion heading allows a heading level change.

    • The large + Inserter button below works like the Group block.

  • The heading is editable on focus of the Accordion block.
  • Adding content to the collapsable region requires clicking the + Inserter to add a block.
  • When resting, the Accordion block collapses to hide the content region.
  • When focused, the Accordion block open to show the content.

Some recent design feedback lead me to add a couple Style Variations.



Style Variation 1

variation 1

Style Variation 2

variation 2

Further design feedback from @melchoyce suggested that we just drop a Paragraph block into the content area rather than a big + button. The flow would look something like this.


Recent design feedback:


The arrows need to be oriented differently. Rather than up/down, they should be right/down.


Style variations

There's some question as to whether or not the variations above make sense to include as style variations. I'm waffling back and forth on this one. They are "style" variations that only manipulate styling... so that makes sense to me.

Default variation

Should the above Style Variation 2 actually be the default because there's basically no styling? It might make it easier to themes to apply their own styles with that as the default.

Yeah, I'd favor a default style that's easy for themes to override.

Here is a draft PR for the Details Block:
There is some crossover of the Accordion and the Details Blocks.

Looking good. Liking the iterations so far and how this is evolving. Some feedback:

  • Add the interaction/flow for adding an additional accordion section
  • Add the interaction/flow for adding an additional block within the accordion content
  • Add block settings for accordion

To summarize above: I think it would be good to see the full block adding flow in context with the sidebar and its settings

  • I would also push the styles a bit more. Right now they are very subtle and I wouldn't consider them a different style, more just removing/adding background+border colors. Try playing more with layout, spacing, position of elements. Similar to this approach:

+1 to @kellychoffman notes. It's relevant to find the right customisation while adjusting to any theme.
The icon seems a bit too abstract, worth exploring some options there.

Note that this seems to be happening which affects slightly your mock ups.

@pablohoneyhoney Not sure if you're referring to the block icon or the expand/collapse icon, but in the case of the latter, I think it's definitely worth trying to find a new icon to indicate expand/collapse. Right now we're using the same icons that we use for the block movers, which is confusing as the two are completely unrelated.

Now that you are saying it, both actually @ZebulanStanphill

I was referring to the block icon. Regarding the collapsable UI (arrow), unsure if there are many other patterns besides arrow or +/-.

I've iterated on the UX flow for this block a bit more to help explain how a new block would be added, and how to add another Accordion block below. I see each block being its own accordion to keep things simple. Wrapping multiple accordions into a wrapper can get complex in a number of ways, and I'd like to avoid that.

Taking in the recent feedback, I chose the less stylized variation as the base for this block. This does two things:

  1. Makes the default state easier for themes to style.
  2. Gives me a more difficult beginning to really tune the UX flow.

UX flow for adding multiple blocks and then adding another Accordion block


The Accordion block in this flow works much like adding multiple blocks in a Column. While the Columns block surfaces a large + button, the Accordion block does not, but rather presents the typical Paragraph block's placeholder. So while editing one block, hitting Enter will insert a new block below – just like in the Editor.

When clicking the parent (Accordion) block, it shows the selected border that contains both blocks. Very much like how both the Group block and Columns block work.

Deselecting the Accordion block causes it to collapse. In the gif, this is what happens when I have the Accordion block selected, but then hit the Enter key. This action adds a new cursor below the Accordion block causing it to collapse. I then type /accordion to insert a new Accordion block again.

Next steps

  1. Work on sidebar settings to see which features the Accordion block would be good to have.

    • ie. Color for heading backgrounds

    • Toggle to keep accordion open

  2. Iterate on a few simple style variations that could include borders, different arrow icons, etc.
  3. Iterate on a new block icon.

Both of these will keep the block simple enough to allow themes to easily style it, but also provide necessary block settings that improve customizations. We should keep in mind that customizations with the use of "Design Tools" are different than Style variations that just provide quick and simple variations for a user to then customize further.

I left some comments related to an accordion block on this PR around a "Details" block. The gist is I could see a place for both coexisting, mostly because the details block is so minimal while still being useful.

I could see a place for both coexisting

@jasmussen From a user perspective, whare are the differences in functionality that these two blocks will provide?

It's great that considerations exist to bring accordions into the Gutenberg-Core! For a project I also created an accordion block.The thing doesn't run perfectly and smoothly yet, but it does its job. :)

I have made the following experiences and would like to pass them on:

Advantages of two blocks (accordion and accordion_element)

I decided early on to work with nested blocks, namely with a parent block (=accordion) and a child block (=accordion_element). The advantages are obvious:

  1. the option can be offered to have other accordion elements in the frontend close when a single one opens
  2. it is also possible to set the heading level for all elements at the same time, which makes accordions much more maintainable. (Use Case: Someone adds a heading above the accordion, whereupon the heading levels of each accordion element must be reduced by one).
  3. from my perspective, accordions are often considered as a whole element, e.g. for FAQs or the like It would therefore also be very useful if they existed as an entire block, e.g. when moving elements. The accordion should always be moveable as a whole without workarounds and no other elements should be able to slide between the accordion elements. Concrete example: It seems strange to me if a picture under an accordion would end up inside the accordion by moving it with the arrows at once.
  4. further accordion_elements can be added so quickly. In our design, we have adjusted the background of the add_button to the color of the button, so that the full width is filled in, giving a stronger resemblance to the accordion_element.

Icon on the left side?

I don't know how useful it is to position the unfolding icon on the left side by default. For example, if someone wants to include icons for orientation in their title, this will be difficult. In another project I worked with complementary icons to better structure the content.

Moving content in editor

During my development I had to learn that the content area of an accordion_element can be very painful to edit. In your design @mapk it looks like the accordion_element in the editor is unfolded when it is selected. This was also the case in my projects at first. It is a common use case that content is written first, but only then is it decided to put it into an accordion. This makes it necessary to access the InnerBlock area of an accordion_element without the accordion_element being currently selected. I don't think my solution is ideal, but it was the most feasible one: Everything is always unfolded. This way, contents of accordion_element can be moved to another accordion_element.

Separation of the title from the content in frontend and backend

Practical experience has shown that it is very useful to clearly distinguish the clickable head area from the rest when activated. This is especially important if, for example, bold print or even headings are used within the content area. The latter would also be absolutely legitimate from a hierarchical perspective, but can lead to parts of the content being larger than the accordion title. To achieve this, it was essential that an accordion_element be linked by a common frame, but at the same time the title and content had to be separated. @mapk: I therefore consider your older designs with the minimal border to be a much better default state and should still be minimal enough to make them customizable by themes. From a usability perspective, it will also only then become clear that the complete title section is clickable - which will hopefully be the case? :)


A few more short thoughts I want to share:

  • Concerning the icon, I decided on a plus ("Here you can see more"), which turns to an X ("Here you can close") after opening.
  • Hover and focus styles are very important here to make it clear to frontend users that interaction is possible here. We have worked with backgrounds, even though this is not quite ideal from an A11y perspective.

I am looking forward to seeing more designs and can't wait to see the result in the core! Thanks for your efforts!

I've iterated on some block settings that will benefit the Accordion block.

  • Style variations (minimal or borders)
  • Open by default
  • Animate opening and closing
  • Heading color settings (text and background)

With these settings, and the settings inherent in each block (ie. Heading levels, Paragraph settings, etc.) I think users can customize these fairly well to their liking.



  • As noted earlier, I've updated the Accordion arrow.

Next steps

  1. ~Work on sidebar settings to see which features the Accordion block would be good to have.~

    • ~ie. Color for heading backgrounds~

    • ~Toggle to keep accordion open~

  2. ~Iterate on a few simple style variations that could include borders, different arrow icons, etc.~
  3. Iterate on a new block icon.

This is great! I like the idea to use color variations for the header! (Seeing this, I would like to be able to define "global settings" on block level so that I don't have to edit all blocks of the same type after a color change. Sort of like global blocks, only at the settings level instead of the content level, i.e. changes to the settings in one block are automatically transferred to others with the same "Global Settings". I will open a new issue. :))

Personally, I still tend to place the arrow on the right side. A quick look in Dribbble and Google Images confirmed my feeling that about 80% place the accordion icon on the right side. At the same time I understand that in this case in "minimal"-style the reference to the text would be a bit too small and the feeling of an accordion could be overlooked. What do you think about the position, @mapk? Maybe it would help to make "border"-style default?

Edit: I would like to add three interesting articles, which also discuss the position of the icon and its iconography:

What I could read out:
From a usability perspective a plus icon and the left side seems to be best according to the results presented in the study. However, the accordion elements in the study do not have frames either (corresponding to the "minimal"-style). In the compilation of the Nielsen Norman Group, on the other hand, a majority of the shown websites have the icon on the right side (Amazon among others), only Wikipedia positions the icons on the left side. For my personal (!) feeling, it's easier to scan the accordion titles if the icon is on the right side. :)

Settings and flows feel like they are in a good place now. Nice!

Two more notes:

  • Styles: I still feel like just adding a border isn't unique enough. One idea is to explore different layouts and ways to present this type of information. Another is size. Coblock's Shape Divider block is a fun examples to use that themes could then build on top of.
  • Subjective / aesthetic / details: There's something about the arrow treatment that feels dated. More old school wp-admin than G2, if you will. Might be the size. Also, the position of the arrow when you add a border or background color to the header is too tight to the left.

It is worth noting that if the icon is on the right, it may be more difficult for the user to associate it with the title unless there is also a border around accordion title and icon.

This style variation incorporates the block's additional settings that allow it to visually differentiate from the default variation.

Style variation

  • Larger heading text
  • Gradient background in heading
  • Custom color heading text
  • Icon is right justified
  • Borders with custom color

Block variation

variation 1 closed

Settings sidebar

  • Styles

    • Minimal

    • Bold

  • Accordion settings

    • [toggle] Open by default

    • [toggle] Animate opening

  • Heading color settings

    • Text color

    • Background color

  • Icon settings

    • [toggle] Move icon to other side

    • Select from a few icon choices


Block+Document Inspector

I'm exploring a way to work in the icon settings into the block's toolbar.

Very nice! I wanted to add the idea of exactly those kinds of styles ("minimal" with icon on left and "extended" with icon on right and with borders) as well and am happy to see it here now. :) Thanks, @mapk !

I think some of these options ("Move icon to other side") are the kind of thing that should only be exposed at a global level, and never on a per-block basis. Allowing users to have accordions across their site using different values for options like those is a recipe for inconsistent design.

Agreed, that's been one of the most problematic parts of style variations, even with the "set by default". I think we need to be more meticulous with style variations until they can be represented fully through attributes, so that they can also be updated by the user / theme globally. We also need to be committed to maintaining the styles, which has created some issues with things like pullquotes.

This was sort of what I was getting at with my comments on pushing the style options: to have the styles be a way to present an alternative layout (among other things). The "bold" style is getting there, but the gradient and color used have it appearing a bit too dated.

The "bold" style is getting there, but the gradient and color used have it appearing a bit too dated.


Although I proposed to set some background for the heading area on hover or focus, I have the feeling there is currently too much styling by default. Maybe outlines with the plus on the right are enough as second style? I really liked the G2ish-feeling of the border-style in this draft:

Everything else could/should be styled by theme or FSE or whatever? :)

(I would like to add a visual draft on my own, but unfortunately I currently have only access to small iOS devices...)

Technically anything can be done by themes or [insert manual way here] but it would be good if we created some nicely designed "head starts" for people that they could then further tweak as needed. IMO the border is not enough on its own but perhaps pairing that with an alternative layout would be 👍


I think it is wrong and confusing. Some basic design and CSS should be used for heading and content directly after chosing block type.
As it is on GIF it strongly reminds of dealing just with simple Paragraph blocks.

@mariohamann, I hear you've got some time to begin development on this? Wonderful! Looking back on your comments above...

I decided early on to work with nested blocks

I'm not opposed to this. If you think it would work better, let's try it out. You bring up some positive points there.

I don't know how useful it is to position the unfolding icon on the left side by default. For example, if someone wants to include icons for orientation in their title, this will be difficult.

I prefer keeping aligned with the expanding icon on the left for now. Allowing users to add their own icon for each accordion element seems quite complex.

In your design @mapk it looks like the accordion_element in the editor is unfolded when it is selected. This was also the case in my projects at first. It is a common use case that content is written first, but only then is it decided to put it into an accordion. This makes it necessary to access the InnerBlock area of an accordion_element without the accordion_element being currently selected.

If we're building this out as one block with nested blocks, I understand. But I also imagined that if you were dragging content onto an accordion that was collapsed, it would open automatically to allow you to drop it in – similar to folders on an OS.

I therefore consider your older designs with the minimal border to be a much better default state and should still be minimal enough to make them customizable by themes. From a usability perspective, it will also only then become clear that the complete title section is clickable - which will hopefully be the case? :)

I'd really like to allow a super minimal design variation (no borders). Whether or not it's the default choice could be debatable.

Concerning the icon, I decided on a plus

Let's keep the triangle and include the + as an option. It looks like the Figma library has included a nice triangle in the icons file.

Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 2 57 28 PM

I'm looking forward to working with you on this! 👍

@mariohamann, I hear you've got some time to begin development on this?

@mapk "A little time" would fit better. ;) I am glad to be involved and I will try to do some work this weekend!

First of all, I would like to share the concept:

  • accordion block (being a wrapper) with an <InnerBlocks />-component, only accordion-item-blocks allowed
  • As many accordion-item-blocks as needed consisting of e. g. a -component (with no formatting options) and a <InnerBlocks />-component

Check out the following GIF to see the concept+example or try it out on CodePen. (I am not very happy with the transitions, but I don't think that's important at the moment. :))
Screen Recording 2020-09-20 at 13 06 01
(By the way: This a great example which would profit very much from :))

The blocks I created rely on JavaScript, but at least they should be accessible as the function is based on W3 accordion example. I know, using JS is a big disadvantage. On the other hand there is at least one advantage: The editor can decide, whether accordion-items should close as soon as another accordion-item is being opened – a very frequently used function and in my opinion a Must-Have.

The JavaScript needs every accordion-item__button and accordion-item__content to be connected with their id and aria-controls/aria-labelledby. For this purpose I have used useInstanceId of the accordion-item.

@AlexChariyska DMed me on Slack and we discussed different things to get rid of JS in frontend. She had the idea of using hidden "checkbox" and "radio inputs". Both would allow accordions to have multiple (checkbox) or only single elements (radio) being open at the same time. At first it felt a bit hacky – but it works surpringly good. Here is a revised frontend prototype:

We are unsure whether this approach is accessible and would love to get some feedback e. g. from @ZebulanStanphill or @enriquesanchez. Of course feedback on the "checkbox/radio" proposal in general would be great, too.

@mariohamann This is not accessible because you set "display: none;" on the input element. Screen readers would only hear the label announced which would not be valid for keyboard accessibility as it would not be focussable by default.

I recommend sticking with the JS front-end approach to toggle aria-expanded attribute. That is how I have always designed accordions and for this solution with checkboxes and radio buttons, I really don't see the big advantage of saving 1-2KB of JS.

Just my thoughts, thanks.

@alexstine Thank you very much for your fast and great feedback! I've changed the CSS a bit, so the checkbox is selectable. Sorry for this. After testing it again, I realised that the single elements now open and close by using the arrow down and up keys. I think this isn't standard behavior, is it?

Personally I would tend to use JS as well, especially as the JS of W3 seems to be proven accessible. But we couldn't think of any frontend JS in other core blocks and therefore are very unsure, if this should be the way to go. Maybe some other people being closer to the WP core could provide some feedback on this, too.

@mariohamann It does not change with arrow up/down unless the screen reader is in edit/focus mode and attached to the radio buttons. This really just isn't good for UX though as SR users could get really confused if the radio buttons start changing due to the up/down arrow key presses. Most accessible way would be to use the buttons and then toggle aria-expanded.


Thanks again for your detailed and valuable insights!

So having discussed the following solutions:

  1. <summary>/<details>: Not accessible enough and lacks accordion functionality (e. g. closing one item when another one is being opened)
  2. checkbox/radio: Not accessible enough and tends to feel hacky
  3. JS in Frontend: Provides JS in frontend, which is unusual for core blocks (edit: + core in general) at the moment, as far as I know.
  4. Edit: Do not add "Accordion" to core and close the issue

Are there any other alternatives I didn't mention? If not, we would need a decision, if it's fine to use JS in frontend for this block.

@mariohamann I cannot think of any more possible accessible implementations. Let's go with 3.


We can also not add this block in core

I really don't see the big advantage of saving 1-2KB of JS.

With WP powering almost 40% of the web, it makes a huge difference for sustainability. 1-2kb on each page-load for 40% of all page-visits on a daily basis adds up to a lot of data... If possible we should strive to save as much as humanly possible.

We can also not add this block in core


Added this fourth option in the list above and I think it is definetely an option to go.

@aristath I would expect JS being loaded only on pages with the block inside – not on every page. Personally I think that an accordion is one of the most basic elements in today's web and it can't be replaced with any pattern, block combination etc. It should be worth considering to add such an element to the core to prevent users from adding a complete block suite or maybe unaccessible/non-performant accordions only for this basic function.

Therefore: On the one hand I _totally_ get your point, on the other hand I think it is worth the discussion.

Accordions are not some extravagant feature but a basic functionality that's part of most pages. If we ever want Gutenberg to be at least on par with the popular page builders out there having one as part of it is a must.

I would also rather see our core implementation of clean JavaScript for accordion than some of the possible plugins that could spin up as a result of this block not being added to core.


We can also not add this block in core


Also, would an accordion block actually require 1-2kB of JS? That seems like a rather large estimate to me.

Also, would an accordion block actually require 1-2kB of JS? That seems like a rather large estimate to me.

If we use a minified version of the (accessible) W3 accordion in fact it would be about 1.7kb. But maybe there are better/more performant ones.

@ZebulanStanphill it's also an option to consider like the others.

JS on the front is less about the weight but the ongoing support, maintenance, and ramifications it can carry. Core has rarely added front-end JS outside of themes. (Navigation menus in themes was one of the most prominent.) Particularly when there is a native and semantic tag to achieve some of the result with <details> and <summary> we should consider the implementation thoroughly.

Also it might have sounded contrarian, but I do support developing a great accordion block. We could include it in the block directory as a core-supported block if we arrive at a solid implementation instead of bundled, which can also help in the current setup to ensure scripts / styles are bundled separately.

@mtias Oh, I misunderstood your previous post.

Unfortunately, because <summary> eats semantics (and there appears to be no way around this, even with JS), I don't think we can use the <details> element at all in an Accordion block, if we want to support a11y-navigation-friendly headings.

And, yeah, an officially supported plugin could be a good solution to avoid having the bundle any more JS in core itself.

@mtias @ZebulanStanphill Are there any other "core-supported blocks" or would this be the first?

Particularly when there is a native and semantic tag to achieve some of the result with <details> and <summary> we should consider the implementation thoroughly.

Just in case someone has the same – maybe foolish – idea to add role and level attributes to the summary tag: lthoug it works (still expandable and being read as e. g. a <h2>), it's not HTML compliant and breaks accessibility even more, as far as I understand after some researching and testing.

<details open>
    <summary role="heading" aria-level="2">Item One</summary>
         <p>Ut deserunt irure proident fugiat id eu id cupidatat dolore ex.</p>

Personally I think if there will be anything in core or core-related/supported which describes itself as being an "Accordion" block, it should provide at least the following two _adjustable_ features (see

  1. "Allow for multiple accordion sections to be expanded at the same time."
  2. "Allow for each toggle to both open and close its section."

For the first point I don't see any possibility for <details>/<summary> without JS. If this won't be implemented, in my opinion the block should be named "Toggle" instead of "Accordion" because otherwise it might break WP users expectations.

Just in case someone has the same – maybe foolish – idea to add role and level attributes to the summary tag: lthoug it works (still expandable and being read as e. g. a <h2>), it's not HTML compliant and breaks accessibility even more, as far as I understand after some researching and testing.

Why not just use a proper <h2> in the summary? AFAIK it's perfectly valid. (apologies if this has already been covered above, but this is a looooong thread and things get lost)

As @enriquesanchez pointed out in this comment, it seems to be valid (tested it with W3 validator) but not working in terms of a11y:

W3 recommends <h3><button>Button text</button></h3>

@doughamlin we had discussed it before for things like a _Slider_ block (with inner block container), but this would be the first indeed if we went that direction. As the block directory continues to mature, it could be worthwhile migrating some blocks from core bundling to the directory. We could keep the UX mostly transparent, even showing the blocks in the inserter but they only get installed when you insert and use them.

Hello. I found this thread about a month ago and forged ahead to find a means to make my own accordion for a client after seeing it in development.

I was able to do so successfully by using this tutorial on Medium.

I adapted it to pure CSS - no hidden inputs, it relies on the button element. It's accessible to screen readers and works great in the block editor. Here's a pen to the HTML/CSS version.

Hope it helps.

Thank you very much @yanceyk for your input! It's very interesting to see those different approaches!

  • In Safari your Codepen has some problems – the accordions stayed only open while clicking. After releasing the mouse they closed.
  • Still I'm not sure if this accessible, as it uses "focus" in addition to "active" and that would open accordions while tabbing through the content.
  • Furthermore I don't think that it's possible to wrap the buttons with a heading tag (e. g. <h3><button>Lorem Ipsum</button>/h3>) as the :active pseudo class couldn't be used anymore.

This leads me to the point: There are so many different approaches to create accordions and often they feel robust or accessible – but often they maybe aren't. → A Core supported, accessible accordion is urgently needed.

Thanks for your feedback @mariohamann, I hadn't tested in Safari. But it was the intent to have them remain open while clicked. Yeah, it isn't possible to wrap a button with <h3></h3>. Just thought I'd give you guys some other approaches to consider. I agree with you 100%. I hope you guys are able to come up with something satisfying.

Is there also consideration for the accordion block to allow transforms? i.e, groups/columns transform to accordion?

Now I realized I should of wrote "Accordion" as a essential plugin in the WordPress 2020 survey..

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