A lot of eyes on the prototype these days 🎉 !
A lot of tickets have been opened, noting the features the prototype are lacking (due to being dummy controls):
All this excitement around what was mainly a UI only prototype leads into the next question: where do we take this prototype from here? We've discussed creating two actual editor prototypes, one which uses TinyMCE as a parent of all blocks, one which uses TinyMCE as a child of each block. @iseulde has already done stellar work on the former here: https://iseulde.github.io/editor-blocks/
Could the UI prototype grow into the latter?
Let's keep it just as a UI playground for now to test ideas and to serve as the dynamic mockup for the other work. We'll be merging the TinyMCE as a parent as a separate prototype so we can work on both.
Here's what I have in mind for the different prototyping efforts:
- /gutenberg — UI prototype.
- /gutenberg/01/ — Ella’s approach.
- /gutenberg/02/ — a TinyMCE per text block approach.
- /gutenberg/03/ — a single instance of TinyMCE without any blocks just to test formatting ideas.
- /gutenberg/parser/ — the parsing explorer to test markup.
- etc
Closing this for now, as we have found a good direction for this.
Most helpful comment
Here's what I have in mind for the different prototyping efforts: