When clicking on a link in my webpage to get to another page everything works, but when I reload a page or go directly to a specific page (https://www.hallingdata.no/om-oss) the html-content from markdown flashes then disappears.
This problem is not present when running gatsby develop
I have kind of found a workaround that I have used on this page (https://www.hallingdata.no/kontakt-takk/):
const html = data.thankYouContactPage.childMarkdownRemark.html
return (
<Grid container className={classes.contentContainer} spacing={0}>
<Grid item xs={12}>
style={{display: "none"}}
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }}
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }}
This results in the page first displaying two instances of the html-content, then after 1 second or so, only one instance is displayed. If I remove the first instance of Typography the content flashes then disappears.
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query ThankYouContactContent {
thankYouContactPage: file(relativePath: { eq: "content/kontakt-takk_page.md" }) {
childMarkdownRemark {
frontmatter {
Can you build a simple site reproducing this problem? This could be a dozen different things. If there's something about gatsby that's causing this, we definitely want to solve it.
Thanks for the quick reply :)
Here is the sample: https://github.com/sogasg/gatsby-error
Your sample site works fine once I remove the html.jsx file so the default html.js is used.
Generally you shouldn't override the html.js as it needs setup in a specific way — this is the default https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/blob/master/packages/gatsby/cache-dir/default-html.js
Your html.jsx wasn't using most of the required props.
Apparently, I was a little too eager when stripping down the sample. Sorry about that.
However, now I have removed the html.jsx file and the problem is still there (when I run npm run build
and then npm run serve
Looks like you ran into this https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/5479
Use <div>
Also, you should use the gatsby-link
Also, please never email me to remind me to look at your issue. If an issue is ever urgent, I'm available for paid consulting but otherwise, I provide support as I have time / motivation and nagging me is a good way for that motivation to disappear.
Thank you so much :)
I am genuinely sorry about that. It was not my intention to be "nagging" you.
I am genuinely sorry about that. It was not my intention to be "nagging" you.
Yeah, sorry about that — there was a really big pile of issues earlier :-) but just for future reference, it's bad form to email maintainers directly unless you're paying them or best friends or something.
Just got bitten by this, is possible to show a warning or something somewhere?
Bitten +1
Most helpful comment
Looks like you ran into this https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/5479
instead.Also, you should use the
component.Also, please never email me to remind me to look at your issue. If an issue is ever urgent, I'm available for paid consulting but otherwise, I provide support as I have time / motivation and nagging me is a good way for that motivation to disappear.