Is there an ability to configure image quality within gatsby-remark-images
? I'm using UI screenshots in Markdown, and the compression is so heavy-handed that there's considerable artifacting.
Looking at the source, I think it might be controlled via gatsby-plugin-sharp
there mentions:
For JPEGs it generates progressive images with a default quality level of 50.
If this is in fact what's setting the quality, this seems like a sensible default, but is too low for my purposes.
Additionally, is there a reason the options aren't exposed in the README? Would PRs adding these to the various READMEs be of interest?
Yeah, you can pass in a quality
key w/ a number from 0-100 to override the default quality of 50. But yeah, documenting this and others would be great! My hope has been that we pick a standard way to document/validate plugin options so that documentation can be automatically generated from this. If this somewhat larger task of investigating this sounds like something you want to tackle, that'd be a huge benefit to the ecosystem.
Thanks! That worked great. Not sure how to start that larger task (will put some thought into it), but will take a pass at some documentation updates for sure.
For anyone following along, here's where you need to define that key:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-remark',
options: {
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-remark-images',
options: {
quality: 80,
This worked for me in the graphql too:
allImageSharp {
edges {
node {
... on ImageSharp {
fluid(quality: 100, maxWidth: 1600) {
Most helpful comment
This worked for me in the graphql too: