Carthage: 銆恑OS銆慍arthage build Framework Auto Disable Bitcode

Created on 3 May 2018  路  3Comments  路  Source: Carthage/Carthage

Our project uses some unknown third-party libraries and they don't support Bitcode. In order to be able to compile and package properly, we turned off BitCode functionality. Our latest code uses Carthage to host more than 20 libraries, but the default is to enable Bitcode. This causes the package to force the opening of Bitcode and will fail to pack. I now want to disable Bitcode before the Carthage Build Framework. What should I do?


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You can add an xcconfig file for carthage to add build properties when building the frameworks. I've had to do a similar thing:

XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE="somefile.xcconfig" carthage bootstrap --platform iOS

somefile.xcconfig could contain or any other build config you need.

ENABLE_BITCODE[sdk=iphoneos*] = NO

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You can add an xcconfig file for carthage to add build properties when building the frameworks. I've had to do a similar thing:

XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE="somefile.xcconfig" carthage bootstrap --platform iOS

somefile.xcconfig could contain or any other build config you need.

ENABLE_BITCODE[sdk=iphoneos*] = NO


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