Carthage: XCode 12 patch script not work for module built for incompatible target

Created on 20 Oct 2020  ·  3Comments  ·  Source: Carthage/Carthage

  • carthage install method: [ ] .pkg, [x] homebrew, [ ] source
  • which carthage:
  • carthage version:
  • xcodebuild -version:
    Xcode 12.2
    Build version 12B5035g
  • Are you using --no-build?
  • Are you using --no-use-binaries?
  • Are you using --use-submodules?
  • Are you using --cache-builds?
  • Are you using --new-resolver?


github "wireapp/wire-ios-ziphy" ~> 14.0
github "wireapp/Cartography" "4.0.0-xcode_11_4_1"
github "wireapp/wire-ios-sync-engine" "chore/xcode12"
github "wireapp/wire-ios-share-engine" ~> 193.0
github "wireapp/FormatterKit" "1.8.1-swift3.0.2"
github "wireapp/wire-ios-canvas" ~> 11.0
github "wireapp/appcenter-sdk-apple" ~> 3.3.1
github "wireapp/FLAnimatedImage" "1.0.12-wire"
github "wireapp/Down" "v2.2.2_XCode11.4.1"
github "wireapp/DifferenceKit" "1.1.5_XCode11.4.1"
github "wireapp/countly-sdk-ios" ~> 20.04.3

Carthage Output

*** Checking out wire-ios-cryptobox at "23.3.0"
*** Checking out swift-snapshot-testing at "1.8.1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-sync-engine at "chore/xcode12"
*** Checking out avs-ios-binaries at "6.4.232"
*** Fetching wire-ios-sync-engine
*** Checking out wire-ios-request-strategy at "208.0.0"
*** Checking out appcenter-sdk-apple at "3.3.1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-data-model at "chore/xcode12"
*** Fetching wire-ios-data-model
*** Checking out Cartography at "4.0.0-xcode_11_4_1"
*** Checking out ios-snapshot-test-case at "4.0.0-xcode_11_4_1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-transport at "71.0.0"
*** Checking out wire-ios-ziphy at "14.0.0"
*** Checking out wire-ios-system at "31.1.0"
*** Checking out ocmock at "v3.4.3"
*** Checking out PINCache at "2.3-swift3.1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-link-preview at "27.1.5"
*** Checking out HTMLString at "6.0.1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-canvas at "11.0.1"
*** Checking out wire-ios-utilities at "37.3.0"
*** Checking out FormatterKit at "1.8.1-swift3.0.2"
*** Checking out FLAnimatedImage at "1.0.12-wire"
*** Checking out wire-ios-protos at "24.0.0"
*** Checking out wire-ios-testing at "22.0.0"
*** Checking out wire-ios-share-engine at "193.0.0"
*** Checking out wire-ios-images at "31.0.0"
*** Checking out countly-sdk-ios at "20.04.3"
*** Checking out ZipArchive at "v2.1.3"
*** Checking out libPhoneNumber-iOS at "0.9.3"
*** Checking out Down at "v2.2.2_XCode11.4.1"
*** Checking out DifferenceKit at "1.1.5_XCode11.4.1"
*** Checking out swift-protobuf at "1.12.0_xcode12"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/0_/_60_xs4x4hb0ks8cvkhqx0rw0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.NtJ8FO.log
*** Valid cache found for appcenter-sdk-apple, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for avs-ios-binaries, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for Cartography, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for countly-sdk-ios, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for DifferenceKit, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for Down, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for FLAnimatedImage, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for FormatterKit, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for HTMLString, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for ios-snapshot-test-case, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for libPhoneNumber-iOS, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for ocmock, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for PINCache, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for swift-protobuf, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for swift-snapshot-testing, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-canvas, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-protos, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-system, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-testing, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-utilities, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-cryptobox, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-images, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-link-preview, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-transport, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-data-model, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-request-strategy, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-share-engine, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for wire-ios-ziphy, skipping build
*** Valid cache found for ZipArchive, skipping build
*** Invalid cache found for wire-ios-sync-engine, rebuilding with all downstream dependencies
*** Building scheme "WireSyncEngine" in WireSyncEngine.xcodeproj

Actual outcome
everything fine but on CI when building the project:

[16:35:41]: ▸ Compiling UIColor+AccentColor.swift
[16:35:41]: ▸ ❌  /Users/jenkins/.jenkins/jobs/client-ios-build-pipeline/workspace/WireCommonComponents/UIColor+AccentColor.swift:20:8: module 'WireDataModel' was created for incompatible target arm64-apple-ios10.0: /Users/jenkins/.jenkins/jobs/client-ios-build-pipeline/workspace/Carthage/Build/iOS/WireDataModel.framework/Modules/WireDataModel.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftmodule
[16:35:41]: ▸ import WireDataModel

Expected outcome
Tested build without carthage frameworks and the project can be built.

All 3 comments

Build under macOS 11 with Xcode 12.2 with the the patch:

can fix this issue

Did you disabled building for iOS simulator for ARM based Macs in your Xcode project setting?
Screen Shot 2020-11-26 at 4 18 45 PM

thanks @GRiMe2D, it works with macOS 10.15

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