Carthage: `carthage bootstrap` resulting in "GitHub API request failed: Maximum number of login attempts exceeded"

Created on 1 Apr 2016  路  3Comments  路  Source: Carthage/Carthage

  • carthage version: 0.15.2
  • xcodebuild -version: 7D175
  • Are you using --no-build? n/a
  • Are you using --no-use-binaries? n/a
  • Are you using --use-submodules? n/a
  • Relevant library: pusher-websocket-swift (PusherSwift)


github "ashleymills/Reachability.swift"
github "krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift"
github "daltoniam/Starscream"

Carthage Output

*** Cloning CryptoSwift
*** Cloning Reachability.swift
*** Cloning Starscream
*** Skipped downloading CryptoSwift.framework binary due to the error:
    "GitHub API request failed: Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
*** Checking out CryptoSwift at "0.3.1"
*** Skipped downloading Starscream.framework binary due to the error:
    "GitHub API request failed: Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
*** Checking out Starscream at "1.1.3"
*** Skipped downloading Reachability.swift.framework binary due to the error:
    "GitHub API request failed: Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later."
*** Checking out Reachability.swift at "v2.3.3"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/my/m6ynh3bn6tq06h7xr3js0z7r0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.ACofmP.log
*** Building scheme "CryptoSwift watchOS" in CryptoSwift.xcodeproj
The following build commands failed:
    CompileSwift normal armv7k /Users/travis/build/pusher/pusher-websocket-swift/Carthage/Checkouts/CryptoSwift/Sources/CryptoSwift/BlockMode/CipherBlockMode.swift
    CompileSwiftSources normal armv7k
(2 failures)
A shell task failed with exit code 65:
The following build commands failed:
    CompileSwift normal armv7k /Users/travis/build/pusher/pusher-websocket-swift/Carthage/Checkouts/CryptoSwift/Sources/CryptoSwift/BlockMode/CipherBlockMode.swift
    CompileSwiftSources normal armv7k
(2 failures)
The command "carthage bootstrap" failed and exited with 1 during .

I'm not really sure why this has started happening but running carthage bootstrap now causes errors saying "GitHub API request failed: Maximum number of login attempts exceeded. Please try again later.". This seems to only happen on TravisCI, see one of the failing builds here:


Most helpful comment

Adding a GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN env variable seems to have done the job. See here:


All 3 comments

I'm not sure. Carthage doesn't hit a login endpoint. It just uses the credentials from git, if available, and tries to download releases. :confused:

I think this is due to rate limiting, even though the error message suggests otherwise. If you set a GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable (I'd use a secure one) does it work?

Adding a GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN env variable seems to have done the job. See here:


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