1) i've create static web app in azure
2) it is correctly deployed and i can open it in browser
3) i have tried to update / redeploy with some changes
4) i've see the following in console
PS C:\DEV\office365_plugin\dist> az webapp up --location=westeurope --name teststaticsite
Resource group 'appsvc_rg_Windows_westeurope' already exists.
App service plan 'appsvc_asp_Windows_westeurope' already exists.
Creating app 'teststaticsite' ....
Website with given name teststaticsite already exists.
Result: the static app is not updated
Expected behaviour: the static app should be updated regarding the docs
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@davojta It appears you are running the az webapp up
cmdlet again. Please note that this cmdlet only needs to be run once as it creates a new web app. Since there is already a web app with that name, it errors out on that cmdlet.
@BryanFranzMSFT could you say how it is possible to update already created web app ?
I follow the section "Update and redeploy the app" in the doc and get that error.
How to deploy to an already existing app?
@davojta @severud @wald-tq @hkhamm We believe there might be a platform issue that is causing this behavior. We are currently investigating this issue and will reply back once we have a further update.
@davojta @severud @wald-tq @hkhamm This issue is part of a known issue at this time. We have a fix for it and hope to have the fix deployed shortly.
Feel free to track the issue here: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli-extensions/issues/388
My resolution was to use Azure Storage to host my static app.
I fixed problem with setup service account and using zip deployment: i've written a simple script to make zip archive from the folder with source file and then i upload archive using zip deployment + service account to run it on CI
I did something similar to @davojta. After building I did:
cd build && zip -r build.zip .
az webapp deployment source config-zip -g <resource-group> -n <name> --src build.zip
rm -rf build.zip
@wald-tq @davojta @hkhamm We are happy to hear that you were able to find workarounds. Thank you for your patience on this matter.
The product group believes this issue should now be fixed through their latest patch.
We will now proceed to close this thread. If there are further questions regarding this matter, please tag me in your reply. We will gladly continue the discussion and we will reopen the issue.
Most helpful comment
@BryanFranzMSFT could you say how it is possible to update already created web app ?
I follow the section "Update and redeploy the app" in the doc and get that error.