But, if you want to clone host Ace locally you can use one of the pre-packaged versions. Just copy one of src* subdirectories somewhere into your project, or use RequireJS to load the contents of lib/ace as ace:
var ace = require("lib/ace");
but accoringing to requirejs documents
define(['require'], function (require) {
var namedModule = require('name');
I've tried all manner of getting requirejs to load ace after installing it using bower, and none of it works. Here's the closest thing I've got to working
but requirejs seems to want to fetch all of it's dependencies without the .js appended, resulting in a 404
GET 404 (Not Found) require.js:1881
GET 404 (Not Found) require.js:1881
Uncaught Error: Script error for: /bower_components/ace/lib/ace/./lib/fixoldbrowsers
I'm new to requirejs so this is probably something I'm doing wrong, but I can't figure it out from the existing documentation.
add path configuration to tell requirejs where to look for ace
paths {
ace: "/bower_components/ace/lib/ace"
see http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#config-paths
Leaving this issue open to update ace documentation to be more clear about this
I've tried that, and various combinations of that, it usually ends up with the other files being prefixed by my baseUrl, so looking for them at /scripts/
instead of /bower_components/ace/lib/ace
also would that be the path to the ace directory? or ace.js? note: tried both.
also tried subsequently modifying the define to use ace
and then some various changes in the require.
basically every time I get requirejs to find ace.js, it fails to find the subsequent fixoldbrowsers
because it's either looking in /scripts/
or the GET does not have the .js
appended to it.
All paths are relative to base url. After adding config you should load ace with require("ace/ace")
like this? that's resulting in this
GET 404 (Not Found) require.js:1881
Uncaught Error: Script error for: ace
well if ace.js file isn't in /bower_components/ace/lib/ace
change ace: "/bower_components/ace/lib/ace"
to point to the directory where it is
it is in /bower_components/ace/lib/ace
but that's not what this code results in. it's looking for the file there... it's not taking this as being relative to that path. /bower_components/ace/lib/ace/ace.js
but this code results in it looking for /bower_components/ace/lib/ace.js
(notice a missing ace in the path) because requirejs looks at things in paths to be files without the .js, not directories (at least from what I've understood).
app % ls -1 bower_components/ace/lib/ace slave-vi
fundamentally the problem appears to be that ace.js
is not relative to the baseUrl
but instead installed by bower... and in the other case for some reason require.js doesn't add the .js
extension. outside of not using bower, or not using requirejs` I'm not sure how this could be fixed.
maybe it could be fixed if I made bower install to the same location as the baseUrl, but that still has one problem, the internal structure that bower leaves from ace is ace/lib/ace
and what requirejs is looking for is off that...
http://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#packages could potentially solve this problem... I think I'm close but no cigar...
packages :[
location: '/bower_components/ace/lib/ace',
main: 'ace',
name: 'ace-editor', // tried 'ace' here, but was resulting in a lookup to ace/ace/lib/es5-shim etc weird
define(['require', 'angular','ace-editor'], function( require, angular, ace ) {
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
is now resulting in GET 404 (Not Found)
and all of the rest of the things appear to have been appropriately loaded...
your last attempt at https://bitbucket.org/xenoterracide/pastey-frontend/src/52347655bcc4f531ebf7dea1a7bb2312b0963456/app/scripts/pastey.js?at=master#cl-8
almost works
just need to change
since you need to load ace.js
file in ace folder
I have the same problem with "es5-shim"
@hmartin what do you mean? do you have a demo showing your problem?
I have:
name: 'ace',
location: 'vendor/ace/lib/ace'
'jquery','domReady', 'ace/ace'
], function($, domReady, ace) {
domReady(function () {
var editor = ace.edit("editor_{{ uniqId(module) }}");
ace.js, lib/fixoldbrowsers.js... are loaded. But i still have a js error:
503 Service Unavailable: http://.../vendor/ace/lib/ace/main/lib/es5-shim.js
And this directory (vendor/ace/lib/ace/main) doesn't exit
Worker Error: Script file not found: http://.../vendor/ace/lib/ace/main/lib/es5-shim.js in worker_client.js l.96
ace doesn't work as a package, use paths instead
paths: {ace: "vendor/ace/lib/ace"}
I have already try it:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25664843/requirejs-baseurl-and-require-in-ace-js (it's my question)
in that question you have 'ace' in require, it should be 'ace/ace' see https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/blob/master/demo/modelist.html#L29-L31
Actually you've right! Thx for your time!
I've defined the config as suggested:
paths: {ace: "/assets/lib/ace"}
And it is working as expected. To use a CDN instead, I thought it would as easy as changing the path:
paths: {ace: "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ace/1.1.3"}
But it causes a TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'ace.edit')
, which is interesting, because the file ace.js was correctly loaded.
Would it by any chance be related to the ace build being served by the CDN?
Yes the issue is that cdn.js have noconflict version, which only creates global ace variable and doesn't call define.
Perfect, thanks!