If Ace is inside a container that has style="transform: scale(1,1") when you select into the ACE editor, the window scrolls up to the top of the page and you can't focus into it.
im experiencing this problem too.
This is caused by a bug in the behavior of position fixed.
https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/pull/3279 adds a workaround for that, but it needs some more work before it can be merged https://rawgit.com/ajaxorg/ace/scroll-bug/demo/scrollable-page.html
until this is fixed in the next version, please add
.ace_text-input {position:absolute!important}
somewhere in your css as a workaround
Any update on this? I am experiencing the same problem, but I would really prefer not to edit the ace source code..
Im actually running in to the same problem as well.
Same issue and the CSS provided doesn't fix it.
I was able to fix it by adding the following although it doesn't work particularly well:
body {
transform: translateZ(0);