We're loading ace within a scrollable modal window and clicking on the ace editor, it scrolls up about 100px. Any idea how to disable this?
We have the same error, it also scrolls when editing.
Seems to be coming from here. Although I see that was changed in master.
Use version 1.2.3, After replacing thsi version, it doens't scroll up
Even when using 1.2.3 we still have this issue...
still in error for me on 1.2.6
if you still see this issue with 1.2.6, please show a page where the issue can be reproduced
i've made a PR on this, because it was so annoying #3227
I can confirm this is happening on editor boxes that are in the lower part of a large page.
Turns out this is caused by a bug in the behavior of position fixed, which works differently for children of nodes with transforms applied.
until this is fixed in the next version, please add
.ace_text-input {position:absolute!important}
somewhere in your css as a workaround.
merging this into https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/3245 since it had a better description of the issue
Great, thanks for the timely answer.
Most helpful comment
Turns out this is caused by a bug in the behavior of position fixed, which works differently for children of nodes with transforms applied.
3279 adds a workaround for that, but it needs some more work before it can be merged https://rawgit.com/ajaxorg/ace/scroll-bug/demo/scrollable-page.html
until this is fixed in the next version, please add
somewhere in your css as a workaround.
merging this into https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/3245 since it had a better description of the issue