For bugs or installation issues, please provide the following information.
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help and advice.
Operating System:
amazonlinux:latest container which is Red Hat 4.8.3-9
Package used (python/R/jvm/C++):
version used:
If installing from source, please provide
git rev-parse HEAD
)If you are using jvm package, please
If you are using python package, please provide
The python version and distribution
Python 3.6.2
The command to install xgboost
if you are not installing from source
If you are using R package, please provide
if you are not installing from sourceIt looks like when you load a XGBClassifier model that was trained and persisted in another python process when calling any method that internally calls booster() a TypeError: 'str' object is not callable is raised. What's weird is that the only thing booster() is doing is checking if self._Booster is None. So, I think something in the chain of scikit-learn, xgboost and joblib.load() is redefining booster() as a string. I was able to work around this by updating all calls to booster() in to self._Booster.
Is there any workaround?
Sorry, I should have been more clear in my write up above. We ended up adding the following command to our docker file. It's ugly but it works on the tags/v0.60 tag.
sed -i -e 's/booster()/_Booster/g' python-package/xgboost/
We have the same problem too
@Diyago Its apparent from the @Zambonilli's comment that *.booster() should be replaced by *._Booster and without brackets. they have added booster as a parameter to the xgboost sklearn family and its a string, thus not callable.
Hope this helps :)
How to solve this problem
windows7 python3.6.1 sklearn0.19 xgboost0.7
@wuleiyuan Check my last comment and make the necessary changes in your code. It worked for me! I hope it works for u :)
Upgrading to xgboost0.7 helped solve the problem for me. The problem occurred on Ubuntu 16.04 w/xgboost0.6.
Sometimes using get_booster() instead of booster() just solved the problem.
Most helpful comment
@Diyago Its apparent from the @Zambonilli's comment that *.booster() should be replaced by *._Booster and without brackets. they have added booster as a parameter to the xgboost sklearn family and its a string, thus not callable.
Hope this helps :)