I have a collectionView, the itemtemplate is a simple grid with labels.
Whe using the new release of Xamarin Forms (, the grid row height is not correct, and some labels are truncated.
No issue when using the previous release (, so this is a regression.
The grid row height should be adjusted to the size of the label.
In, the label is truncated.
Here is the repro project:
I'm also having this problem with labels in a grid.
This problem occours outside of a collection view also.
I have a similar problem in my application, but it has become worse during the 4.8.xxx releases. In it works perfectly, in e.g. it is somewhat broken, and in, it is completely broken.
I have StackLayouts inside a grid row like so:
<DataTemplate x:DataType="models:Journey">
<Grid Padding="10,5,10,5" ColumnSpacing="4" RowSpacing="4" x:DataType="models:Journey"
ColumnDefinitions="80, 0.7*, 0.30*" RowDefinitions ="Auto, 0.5" >
<border:SfBorder Grid.Column="0" CornerRadius="30,0,30,0" IsClippedToBounds="True" BorderWidth= "0" HorizontalOptions="Fill"
HeightRequest="100" Margin="0,0,5,0" Padding="0,0,0,5" >
<Image VerticalOptions="Fill" HorizontalOptions="Fill" Aspect="AspectFill"
Source="{Binding ImagePath, Converter={StaticResource ImageSourceConverter} }" >
<StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Orientation="Vertical">
<Label Text="{Binding GeneralDescription.Name}" LineBreakMode="WordWrap" Style="{StaticResource ListHeadingStyle}" />
<Label Text="{Binding GeneralDescription.Description}" LineBreakMode="WordWrap"
Style="{StaticResource ListBodyStyle}" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand" VerticalTextAlignment="Start" />
<StackLayout Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="1">
<Label Text="{Binding Start, StringFormat='{0:dd-MM-yy}'}" Style="{StaticResource ListMetaDataStyle}" VerticalTextAlignment="Start" />
<Label Text="{Binding Duration, Converter={StaticResource TimeSpanConverter}}" Style="{StaticResource ListMetaDataStyle}" />
<Label Text="{Binding JourneyTemplate.GeneralDescription.Name}" Style="{StaticResource ListMetaDataStyle}" />
<Label Text="{Binding Owner.Name}" Style="{StaticResource ListMetaDataStyle}" />
<BoxView Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="1" VerticalOptions="End"
Color="{AppThemeBinding Light=Gray, Dark={StaticResource Brokenwhite}}" />
In 4.7.x, it looks like this:
In e.g. like this:
And finally, in it is like this:
Screenshots are from iOS but the problem is also apparent on Android.
The CollectionwView has set ItemSizingStrategy="MeasureAllItems"
If you think this is completely unrelated, I will of course open a new issue.
Why do you postpone this issue to 5.0.0, when this is clearly a regression that has been introduced in ??
Not intentional! Looks like we forgot to put the regression tag on. Thanks for letting me know!
Same issue in the new release
Same issue in XF
@samhouts Any progress ? This is quite a serious regression !!
Same issue in XF and
This is a serious issue.. Cmon man. More than a month ago
We also run into this issue. Serious issue. Many pages on our app break because of that. Its a high prio bug!
Please fix this soon. This issue prevents us to update Xamarin Forms.
Hmm breaking layouts everywhere... :(
This issue does not look like fixed even in the latest XF Why is this showing as 'Closed'? The same issue happens in ListView as well. Can we re-open this and fix in the ListView as well?
@samhouts @rmarinho @hartez
This issue does not look like fixed even in the latest XF
Because it was not fixed until about a week after that version was released. The fix will be in the next service release of 4.8.
any update?
Most helpful comment
Please fix this soon. This issue prevents us to update Xamarin Forms.