As in the title the horizontal scrollview doesnt allow you to scroll anymore if you set its flowdirection to righttoleft
scrolling working
scrolling does not work
issue: #1222
I managed to workaround this by
for android:
setting the viewgroup.layoutdirection
for ios:
seting the contentoffeset to the end
It looks like the problem stems from an error in measuring the ScrollViewContainer.
We managed to create a working workaround for this issue RtlScrollViewFix.
There is a secondary bug, that in RTL mode, the scrollbar starts from the left side, which in RTL is the end. This issue is covered by the workaround a well.
@danielkatz thank you for the solution project that's been very helpful. The current problem I'm looking into is that the solution you have only works because the minSdkVersion is set to 19
If I set it back down to 15 then it doesn't work on the scrollview is just stuck
@PureWeen I didn't test it this far back, but my first suspect will be the ScrollX handling that was glitchy even on 19+.
Would the solution work without the whole block at line 83?
@PureWeen Besides, according to the docs, RTL is supported from API 17+, so prior to 17 the whole thing can be disabled...
Yea I realize that about the API 17+ but if I just setup a native Xamarin Android app with a horizontal scrollview set to RTL and the minSdkVersion set to 15 the whole thing works fine
Still breaks scrolling as of xamarin
Sorry for being impatient, really wanted to check if it works now.
@smartprogrammer93 this fix hasn't been merged up from 3.1 yet to master
@PureWeen ops, sorry my bad, just excited.
Thanks for the hard work
@smartprogrammer93 I'm excited that you're testing nightlies!!!
Once there's a package to test I'll let you know
This was a fun one so it'd be great for you to verify!!
@smartprogrammer93 so it was only out with the nightly briefly but this fix is part of the service release
Check this link for entire implementation,
Most helpful comment
@smartprogrammer93 I'm excited that you're testing nightlies!!!
Once there's a package to test I'll let you know
This was a fun one so it'd be great for you to verify!!