I have came with Layout issue in two pages.
I have a MasterDetail page which contains 2 buttons in the master page, load the content page when click Page1 button, which contains label loaded inside the ScrollView, I have try to Re-Layout the label from one position to another position when click the Layout button, but layout is not working.
I have loaded the Label inside the ScrollView which is loaded in the CarouselView when i try to Re-Layout the label from one position to another position but the layout is not working.
MasterDetail Issue replication:
Carousel issue replication:
1.Click Carousel page button, then click the Layout button. See that the label is not re layout.
Label has to re layout from one position to another position.
Re layout is no working.
Any update on this ?
@DineshBabuYadav It does seem unexpected that the behavior is different.
May I ask what your goal is for triggering a layout in this way?
Duplicate of #1421, #1764. In future, you are welcome to reopen the old issue with new information instead of creating new ones. We do watch them when the status changes. :)
@samhouts ,
We have already provided the replication procedure with very simple sample to replicate the mentioned issue in above and provided much needed information about the issue in other bug reports #1421, #1764.
However, we will describe you the issues again which would help us to sort out from the issue.
Scenario 1 - MasterDetailPage Issue
We have two option buttons in the Master page say page1button and page2button to switch the view in the Detail page.
Initially, we are loading a label in the Detail page and while switching the page1button to page2button (vice-versa), the label is not loaded in Detail page.
Scenario 2 - CarouselView Issue
Similar to the Scenario 1, we are manually the layout the label in a different position(bound area) in the view by a button event at runtime but the label does not layout to that position.
Please let me know if you require further assistance.
Dinesh B
@samhouts, We are from Syncfusion and this issue occurs on Syncfusion ListView component. In our SfListView, we have re-layout (recycle) the items while scrolling.
Got it. Just wanted to determine if there's another way to achieve the desired behavior. For this use case, I think we'll need to investigate further. Thanks!
possibly related to #1332
Would be great to get this bugs priority increased.
This is holding back some of the new features in some of the Syncfusion controls, which is disappointing for both Syncfusion and their clients (me)
Any update on this ?
Colleagues, you can try to use my plugin for implementing CarouselView
Check it here https://github.com/AndreiMisiukevich/CardView
Any update on this ?
Any update on this ?
Any update on this ?
@samhouts , we are looking for a solution to this report.
@DineshBabuYadav Sorry for the delay! We're working on getting this prioritized. Thank you!
@samhouts , Since, this bug has been dragging from several months. Still we are facing the issue in latest version of both Syncfusion and Xamarin. Can you provide any workaround for this?. Please consider this as high priority.
Can we prioritise this bug in some way? This bug makes Syncfusion listview in a CarouselView unfortunately unusable on Android. Currently a blocker for our application
@samhouts , Can you please update on this? If possible please provide a work around. Our clients are requesting for the work around. So, please make prioritize this issue and update us asap.
@samhouts , Can you please provide any workaround for this issue now until you fix this issue. Is there any update on this. Please update us the details asap.
@samhouts , Please update.
@samhouts , can you please provide any further updates.
This is on the backlog. Thanks!
@samhouts , thanks. Can you share us the timeline? So, that we can provide a valid timeline to our customers.
Given our current backlog and priorities, we don't expect to start working on this until early August. Thanks for your patience!
@samhouts Still we are waiting for the fix.
@samhouts : Any update on this. Did you consider to start working on this fix as informed to start early august ?
@mageshyadavm No update yet, but we're planning to look at this time within the next week. Thanks!
Happy day! Seems to work on latest nuget. Or am I holding it wrong?
Most helpful comment
Given our current backlog and priorities, we don't expect to start working on this until early August. Thanks for your patience!