Currently, v-model directive does not support mustache-type bindings for binding expressions, but this feature would be extremely helpful for creating form builder-like implemenetations.
Can you give an example of what it would be helpful for?
Let's, say, imagine we're building a clone of phpmyadmin, which receives data from DESCRIBE TABLE statement and builds row editor form from that data. Binding expressions will be inherently dynamic in this case, as we'll only know field names after running SQL DESCRIBE TABLE.
+1 , i am looking for this too
+1, hope to see this
I still don't fully understand what this enables that the current syntax cannot achieve. Maybe some code samples?
Some pseudo-code related to phpmyadmin clone described above:
modue.exports = {
data: function(){
//returns table structure pulled from the backend somehow
return {fields: [
{name: "id", type: "integer"},
{name: "name", type: "varchar"},
{name: "gender", type: "varchar"}
// this was initialised based on the structure above, does not matter how.
form: {id: null, name: null, gender: null});
methods: {
getBindingExpr: function(field){ /* blah-blah */ }
<div v-repeat="field: fields">
<!-- Here we need to display an editor bound to the field -->
<input type="text" v-model="form.{{}}">
<!-- Or, we can call a function that calculates the binding expression --
<input type="text" v-model="{{getBindingExpr(field)}}">
you can already do that with v-model="form[]"
we can ? wow !
evan can you put up a js fiddle showing a todo-ish example
@yyx990803, that's great, but it was just an example showing just one example of dynamic usage. The logic might be more complex in some kind of a business application.
Just to be clear I'm against the idea of allowing interpolations inside directive expressions. Right now mustaches means the evaluated result is expected to be a string and used as a string (to be inserted into the DOM, or do a ID lookup). Evaluating mustaches into expressions which then can be evaluated makes it two layers of abstraction and can end up making your templates very confusing.
i think it would be very valuable to add the ability to interpolate the string before evaluating the expression
the data[pathString]
method works well for objects with 1 nested level but for 2 or more i have not found a way to bind dynamically.
maybe add a modifier to the binding so that is it more clear than mustaches
let myData = {}
let varPath = '["my"].obj'
let modelPath = '["my"].model'
<component-name :myparam.interpolate='varPath'></component-name>
<input v-model.interpolate='modelPath'>
or maybe a getter/setter function that can be passed.
disclaimer: i have not read the 2.0 spec so you may have addressed this there.
@bhoriuchi why no computed property?
computed: {
varPath: function() {
<component-name :myparam="varPath"></component-name>
And for v-model
you can use computed property with setter.
@simplesmiler i have not tried computed properties in a two-way binding, ill give it a shot. thanks for the tip.
@simplesmiler - so the issue i am running into with using a computed property is that i have no way to pass arguments to the computed property. this
inside the getter or even value
in get(value)
both point to the component.
some background on my use case.
i am creating a form builder that uses a json object to build the forms. the config object is more or less a 2 dimensional array of objects (rows/forms). each form config object has a model field that has the path string to the field that should be set. in order to use a computed property for this i would need to be able to determine from the component using the component binding what row/form index in order to look up the model path from the config object
currently i have this working using a pre-initialized 2 dimensional array called formData
that i bind each form model to with v-model="formData[rowIndex][formIndex]"
and i watch that object for changes and update the parent data object, but i dislike this approach because it requires me to preinitialize an array for dynamic field addition.
i need 2 levels of nesting because i am using this form builder component on another component that needs to set an object that looks something like
data: {
templates: {
operatingSystems: {
<someuuid1>: [ <osid1>, <osid2> ],
<someuuid2>: [ <osid5>, <osid10>, <osid22> ]
where my path string would look like
templates.operatingSystems[<dynamic uuid>]
Update 2
i changed from using a multi-dimensional array to a plain object with key names
and used a deep watch to keep the data in sync with the parent. I still think an interoplated bind would be beneficial.
For me, v-model="$data[]"
does the trick!
@victorwpbastos this does not work for setting deeply nested objects as it will just use the as the key
for example if you have the following data and field string
$data = {
'animal': {
'dog': {
'husky': 1
} = ''
and you use
and enter the value of 2 on the form, the data would end up looking like this
$data = {
'animal': {
'dog': {
'husky': 1
'': 2
the reason interpolated bind is useful is where you are building dynamic nested inputs where you cant "hard code" the parent path (e.g '') into the directive
I revisited this found a more simple solution. You can create a custom object and add getters/setters to it on created using the model path string. Here is a simple example
<template lang="jade">
div(v-for="form in config.forms")
<script type="text/babel">
import Vue from 'vue'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
props: ['value', 'config'],
computed: {},
methods: {
vueSet (obj, path, val) {
let value = obj
let fields = _.isArray(path) ? path : _.toPath(path)
for (let f in fields) {
let idx = Number(f)
let p = fields[idx]
if (idx === fields.length - 1) Vue.set(value, p, val)
else if (!value[p]) Vue.set(value, p, _.isNumber(p) ? [] : {})
value = value[p]
data () {
return {
formData: {}
created () {
_.forEach(this.config.forms, (form) => {
Object.defineProperty(this.formData, form.model, {
get: () => _.get(this.value, form.model),
set: (v) => this.vueSet(this.value, form.model, v)
in use
<template lang="jade">
input-list(v-model="formData", :config='formConfig')
<script type="text/babel">
import InputList from './InputList'
export default {
components: {
data () {
return {
formData: {
name: 'Jon',
loc: {
id: 1
formConfig: {
forms: [
{ type: 'input', model: '' },
{ type: 'input', model: 'loc["name"]' }
If using this way, any way we can set the watcher for each of the reactive data created dynamically?
@luqmanrom I am not familiar with the inner workings of the vue watcher but I believe anything created with vue.set can be watched so you could add some code to watch dynamic props and emit evens on changes or you can seep watch the target object. Someone else might have a better suggestion
I wrote a toolkit for this. also allows you to mutate vuex using v-model
This should do the trick:
Vue.directive('deep-model', {
bind(el, binding, vnode) {
el.addEventListener('input', e => {
new Function('obj', 'v', `obj.${binding.value} = v`)(vnode.context.$data,;
unbind(el) {
inserted(el, binding, vnode) {
el.value = new Function('obj', `return obj.${binding.value}`)(vnode.context.$data);
update(el, binding, vnode) {
el.value = new Function('obj', `return obj.${binding.value}`)(vnode.context.$data);
Usage (Component)
const component = Vue.extend({
template: `<input v-deep-model="'one.two.three'">`,
data() {
return {
one: { two: { three: 'foo' } }
Here is the Gist Reference.
Hi any body here. I am using VUE.js with Laravel. I have Dynamic Custom Form fields coming from the database. I followed @yyx990803 . v-model="form['name']". The field works. But the problem is i can not get the field values in laravel Controller. Anybody here. I am using @tylerOtwell Form.js Class.
your help will be greatly appreciated.
This is not a help forum. We have one dedicated for answering questions at
I really struggled trying to have a function invoked to find out v-model
value. Here's an example.
I am trying to build a date range picker which looks like this.
Here, the presets are coming from an array that looks like this..
presets = [
label: 'Today',
range: [moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'), moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')]
Now, I also have two dates for those input fields in my data
of component. startDate
& endDate
What I really want to do is compare the date user has selected with the dates passed in my preset configuration and set the v-model
value to either true
or false
but I am unable because...
doesn't accept conditions so I can't do preset.range[0] === startDate && preset.range[1] === endDate
doesn't allow v-for
alias being passed to a function. So I can't do something like <li v-model="isActive(index)" v-for="(preset, index) in presets">
Allowing to have conditional statements at the least can solve this problem easily.
Also, I may be doing something fundamentally wrong so please point out if I could achieve it in any different way.
Currently I have solved the problem by exploiting the fact that computed properties are function calls.
computed: {
isActive() {
preset =>
preset.range[0] === this.startDate && preset.range[1] === this.endDate
<li v-model="isActive[index]" v-for="(preset, index) in presets">
But it really seems like a hack to me. Not sure. Please suggest.
Does anybody know if this also works in combination with Vuex as explained here?
I want to have an input field which is a little bit dynamic.
<input v-model="dataHandler" :scope="foo" type="checkbox" />
How can I access "scope" of the dom element inside the following code?
computed: {
message: {
get () {
set (value) {
@vielhuber try to use ref
<input ref="myInput" v-model="dataHandler" :scope="foo" type="checkbox" />
this.$refs.myInput.getAttribute('scope') // => 'foo'
Hi, I have a Vue question related to this topic - "dynamic v-model directive":
When I'm implementing a Vue component, how can I dynamically control the v-model modifier - .lazy
, etc??
for example:
<el-input v-model[field.lazy ? '.lazy' : '']="model[field.key]">
This works for me.
<input v-model="$data[field].key" type="text">
@fritx To "dynamically" change the modifier, I used the v-if director like this.
<input v-if="field.lazy" v-model.lazy="model[field.key]">
<input v-else v-model="model[field.key]">
This can get cumbersome though if you want large variety of multiple combinations of modifiers.
I guess one option could be to create a reusable component that contains all the if statements and pass it the input component you want to render and the array of modifiers that determines which input with the desired modifiers is rendered. Using the if statement like above though was good enough for me.
I could not find the way for dynamically accessing computed property in v-model directive.
There is no way for me to access my computed properties as you can access data properties with
My code is something like this:
computed: {
get () {
set (value) {
I need the way to access computed property with string, which i couldn't find.
This is an example but different solutions would work as well.
<input v-model="$computed[someDynamicString]">
or just
<input v-model="[someDynamicString]">
The closest thing I have found is "_computedWatchers[someDynamicString].value" but that does not work with setters and getters, maybe it would work if it was just a computed value.
This is my dialogTemp:
dialogTemp: {
tmBasFuelEntities: [
paramCode: '',
paramValue: ''
paramCode: '',
paramValue: ''
paramCode: '',
paramValue: ''
@fritx To "dynamically" change the modifier, I used the v-if director like this.
<input v-if="field.lazy" v-model.lazy="model[field.key]"> <input v-else v-model="model[field.key]">
This can get cumbersome though if you want large variety of multiple combinations of modifiers.
I guess one option could be to create a reusable component that contains all the if statements and pass it the input component you want to render and the array of modifiers that determines which input with the desired modifiers is rendered. Using the if statement like above though was good enough for me.
It's cool but I had to pass lots of props to the very one which is so verbose, any idea? @danhanson
<template v-else-if="itemCom">
<component v-if="getFieldType(field) === 'number'"
<component v-else
@fritx You could change v-model
to :value
and parse it manually.
<component v-if="getFieldType(field) === 'number'"
:value="parseField(field, model[field.key])"
@input="model[field.key] = parseField(field, $"
export default {
methods: {
parseField (field, val) {
if (this.getFieldType(field) === 'number') {
return Number(val);
return val;
@danhanson looks great, man
@danhanson I'm afraid it should be:
:value="getFieldValue(field, model[field.key])"
@input="model[field.key] = getFieldValue(field, $event)"
@change="model[field.key] = getFieldValue(field, $event)"
I'm not sure, I'll try. Thanks!
I found a solution here:
<input v-model="_self[someDynamicString]">
works for me
Something like this
label: '收房价格',
id: 'housePrice',
type: Number,
widget: 'div',
fieldSet: [
label: '',
id: 'housePrice',
type: Number,
defaultValue: 0,
rest: {
style: 'width:5em;'
label: '',
id: 'priceUnit',
type: String,
widget: 'select',
defaultValue: '元/月',
options: [
{ label: '元/月', value: '元/月' },
{ label: '元/年', value: '元/年' },
{ label: ' 元/天·m2', value: '元/天·m2' },
rest: {
style: 'width:6em;'
When field type is Number
, I want to use v-model.number
, which is much more convenient. @fritx
I teardown v-model to fit it.
@input="v => { form[] = isNumber(nestedField.type) ? Number(v) : v }"
<template v-if="nestedField.suffixText" slot="append">{{nestedField.suffixText}}</template>
I Have clone HMTL using (some part for form-input) which i am inserting using jquery. (don't say why i am using jquery). now my element is being inserted by jquery. so is it possible to bind v-model.
in form i have some inputs like
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="area2" />
<input type="text" name="area3" />
So how i can bind v-model on area 2 and 3.
I found a solution here:
<input v-model="_self[someDynamicString]">
works for me
Works for me too, but the "_self" variable is reserved for Vue's internal properties (see #2098).
In other words, this implementation can breaking in the future.
I prefer this way:
<input v-model="mySelf[someDynamicString]">
export default {
data() {
return {
mySelf: this
For more details see:
Most helpful comment
you can already do that with