v-model directive can only be used on textarea o or input elements for now.
It would be nice to use it on 'contenteditable' !
Best regards,
Content editable involves a lot more complexity than input bindings, and it's best to use an external library dedicated to this purpose (e.g. Medium.js), wrapped by a custom directive.
*sorry @yyx990803 I saw that you close this issue.
Hello @bdedardel
I work with summernote today and found your question.
My solution is you can use summernote's onChange callbacks like so :
let 'program' as my vue instance
and 'detail' as my model in 'program'.
onChange: function(contents, $editable) {
// console.log($editable);
program.detail = $editable;
I do not know if this is a good way to solve your problem
*most probably you have already got it
@abdulahkam Thanks for your post. I will try this solution, even if summernote does not respond exactly to my needs!
Most helpful comment
Content editable involves a lot more complexity than input bindings, and it's best to use an external library dedicated to this purpose (e.g. Medium.js), wrapped by a custom directive.