Vscode: I'm Buddhist and I'm offended

Created on 19 Dec 2019  路  43Comments  路  Source: microsoft/vscode

The gear icon in VScode resembles the religious symbol of Buddhism, the Dharmachakra and I find it very offensive.


Please remove it. Or at least cover it with a hat or something.


Most helpful comment

perfect solution is to cover it with a SANTA hat

All 43 comments

perfect solution is to cover it with a SANTA hat

Boatymcboatface might be offended too, looks like a boat steering wheel.

Thanks for creating this issue. We think this issue is unactionable or unrelated to the goals of this project. Please follow our issue reporting guidelines.

Happy Coding!

I find the word happy offensive. Not everyone is happy during the holiday season. Could we change that from Happy Coding! to Coding! please. Thanks in advance!

I am offended that everyone is offended. I feel like I am being personally attacked and would like for people to stop being offended since it goes against my personal beliefs.

All this shit is killing creativity in 2k19... So sad 馃檨

Ok boomer

The symbol also represents an old ship steelering wheel..... it's okay. The symbol also known as a t in English also represents a cross in Christianity, where can I submit a request to remove

Jude observe do nothing

how is this in my feed what

No worries, nothing lasts forever!

Make everything flagged as offensive optional, but also default.
This should make everyone happy.

how is this in my feed what

Same reason I ended up here. Wat? (Sorry in advance as "wat" might be offensive to someone, somewhere)

I will work on this issue

@Isuru-Nanayakkara 馃槀馃槀馃槀

Replace it with nothing, and our Zen brothers and sisters will become offended

Is therea bounty on this? Will work for non-denominational christwanzakaule presents.

how is this in my feed what

Just means Google agrees that what they've done to our precious Santa hat is bullshit.

Google feed brought me here, I'm not disappointed.

Dear vscode team, I hope it is quite apparent now how ridiculous the claim of @Christian-Schiffer, about the santa hat was. But even more ridiculous was the fact that you complied to his arbitrary request. In fact, your actions are as offensive to me as the swastika.

Atleast I'm not the only one that get this item in the Google News timeline..

I got here because it appeared in my Google Feed. Why is this issue closed? And what's this icon for?

Im offended by this issue

Guys, I am here just for the comments! (Keep em Coming.) 馃槀

Does this expose Google's algorithm as promoting liberal propaganda.

I am offended that people are offended by things. Ban everything. Fire everyone. Problem solved.

PS: James Damore did nothing wrong. The only thing he did wrong was work for Google, but it seems Microsoft will be just as woke soon. Also, Satya Nadella should apologize for not being transgender and being male or I will boycott Microsoft.

Happy or unhappy coding!

yall are buggin.

The gear icon in VScode resembles the religious symbol of Buddhism, the Dharmachakra and I find it very offensive.


Please remove it. Or at least cover it with a hat or something.

Basically it's the captain's wheel ..

For God's sake get over it, it's a captain's wheel! Do you have anything else of value to contribute to open source community?

dalai lama to bhai he apna, bol to sahi symbol badalwa doun.

You kidding me right? These discussions do not belong here on GitHub, contribute with code but don't start these kinds of bull here, if you chose to be offended go make a complaint email.

I find writing offensive. The invention of writing is EXACTLY what made millions of people illiterate. I will not stop writing about this until it's banned.

@konrad-bak same here. Write until it's against the law to write.

uh oh... #87537 too

Isn't buddhism all in for forgiveness and letting go?


I'm so happy to be a part of this community. I love you all.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Oo wokesoft close the thread 馃槺馃槺馃槄馃槄

Is a free software, if you are offended is your problem and don't use, is about software not your feelings.

Is a free software, if you are offended is your problem and don't use, is about software not your feelings.

@jycr753 This is a joke making fun of MS for pandering to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that gets offended by the most inconceivable things. Such as some snowflake being upset about the Santa hat, so they removed it to pander to them.

It's riding on the growing level of unrest over blind pandering to "offended" people, actively making things worse or less enjoyable for many just to serve the unconformed feelings of a single individual.

Is a free software, if you are offended is your problem and don't use, is about software not your feelings.

@jycr753 This is a joke making fun of MS for pandering to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that gets offended by the most inconceivable things. Such as some snowflake being upset about the Santa hat, so they removed it to pander to them.

It's riding on the growing level of unrest over blind pandering to "offended" people, actively making things worse or less enjoyable for many just to serve the unconformed feelings of a single individual.

What! Amazing the Microsoft remove it just for some "feelings"

Meanwhile in another world, this was observed.

I would recommend watching this https://youtu.be/ceS_jkKjIgo

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