vimium scroll down/up do not work properly on ansible documentation site

Created on 13 Sep 2018  Â·  4Comments  Â·  Source: philc/vimium

Hi there,

I'm using vimium 1.64 with Google Chrome Stable (version 69) on xubuntu 18.

When you open scroll down and up (j and k) do not work.
If you click in the right-side frame this problem disappears, but it is very annoying.

Note that with Vimium-FF scroll up and down do not work even after you click in the right frame.


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As a workaround, you can use link hints to select the link labelled D, here:


All 4 comments


As a workaround, you can use link hints to select the link labelled D, here:


@smblott-github: great suggestion! Selecting the relevant 'Scroll' hint works best and most consistently (for example: cycling through gf never brings focus to the right frame in Ansible).

The Scroll label only appears when the "_Use the link's name and characters for link-hint filtering_" option (aka as Filtered Hints) is enabled, as confirmed here. In fact many labels become active when this feature is enabled as can be seen in screenshot below, and it appears links can be activated in at least three different ways:

  1. Typing the hint ID (26 in the screenshot below)
  2. Typing the hint label (open in the screenshot below, then scrolling or selecting the new ID)
  3. Typing the text in the underlying element (watch in the case of the button under 26)

I'd love for there to be a way to see the Scroll label when Filtered Hints are disabled. There are some UX challenges to work through here but I think it would add a ton of clarity for this particular user journey!


I just updated and clarified the feature request but not sure if that triggers a notification of any kind so replying to own last message here. I love Vimium!! Thanks so much for building such an amazing tool.

... cycling through gf never brings focus to the right frame in Ansible

This is because it is not a frame: it is a normal <div>. And the left side is a navigational <div> element with overflow-y: scroll.

Not sure what is going on: some websites done in a similar way, such as the SilverStripe 4 API reference or all readthedocs based ones, work just fine.

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